
Not always. Battlefield 3 has been out since October and is still $60 while preowned is about $45.

This was my thought on the issue: While I feel like used games are really hurting developers, you can't take that away from gamers; it's not fair. I can't afford to always buy new, and I'm not shelling out whatever damn price for a brand-new game that is a few years old. Why can't there be some kind of requirement on

Glad I just upgraded then. Got the phone for super cheap too and double-data so I'm happy.

Sorry, I have to disagree, that map in the video is Wake Island.

We actually watched that in my Strategic Management course a week before Jobs passed away. Was quite a fun watch and (while I knew most of the story prior to seeing it) it gave me a bit more of a perspective into what went on in both men's minds.

Nah man, you have to try this one game called Who Framed Rodger Rabbit. It's like the best game ever.

Pure sarcasm my friend. His questions was obviously a poke at something that, while being an old and dumb argument, is at least somewhat related to gaming. I just was being that "pc gamer" side that always bashes console players for no reason.

Um duh, it's all about TF2, console noob. Geez.

Oh no, little girl uses homophobic slurs, what has the world come to!? Seriously? They're still kids. I'm sure something like 90% of kids who say things like that have no idea what they even mean. Honestly though, I couldn't care less about this girl. Kotaku, I love you, but wouldn't this be more fitting for a sister

Romanes Eunt Domus!

Well if the car uses things like Radar and/or Lasers to detect things (along with cameras) then you might even have a car that can see animals or other things in low visibility that a human would NEVER see until it was too late.

Well, unless the car was somehow driving like a drunkard, I think you'll be fine. That or sit passenger and baffle the cop when he comes to your window. :D

MY thoughts are with you friend. My cousin was diagnosed with a brain tumor a few months ago. While they were able to remove about 95% of it, she had a stroke and shes been in rehab to regain her left side. It's not easy to see her go through something like that (especially when shes one of those people who has done

Not from what I see: The button sends a signal to your phone which either sends a txt or somehow launches a browser message to order your pre-selected pizza of choice (which can be modified). After that all happens, your a sent a txt that confirms your order and you're done. Its probably no different than having a

Whoops, less. The budget theater is like 1.99/ticket. Sure they make their sales on popcorn and such, but I'd rather pay outrageous food prices when the ticket price is low. Too late to edit it. Thanks for pointing that out.

I hardly go now as it is, and forcing me to pay even MORE because I dislike 3D? Are they serious?! Last movie I went to cost me and my gf >$5 because we went to a budget theater a few weeks ago. Before that? HP7 Part 2 midnight. I can't afford to see a movie in theaters at this rate; it's not worth it.

Why is it so much more expensive for PC?! What a joke.

I think it was worse when the Jets got Favre.

Ah beat me to it! Funny how every website was saying he's a Jet and now they're all saying "whoops, might not be..."

Take the three zeros off and I'd be able to afford it. :D