
I understand what I can of the ending from the stories in the beginning of the film about Parr. I guess what confuses me is that if Mike was already in the corner, it sounded like we were moving closer to a female (Heather's?) screams... but how can that be if she was recording? Right? Or am I missing something

I finally got around to seeing this movie the other day because it was on Netflix. I'll admit, I'm so ruined by modern movies where scares are loud and in-your-face to the point where I kept expecting something to deliberately scare me. I did feel insanely tense and scared at the night scenes and worried for the team

I listened to the "Black and White Lifestyles" track and didn't hear the joke in question. Albeit still funny, I'm not sure this is it. As I said, we were 100% watching a stand-up performance, it wasn't audio we were listening to. I'll keep listening but this may still elude me unless you have a direct link :)

You're welcome. I played the hell out of that game as a kid. :D

I've asked this elsewhere with no luck in yielding any results of the name of the comedian or the act/year of the performance...

Probably one of the best Lagwagon songs. I actually really like Double Pladinum and Trashed (especially Know It All).

I now tip for better service. There was a pizza place back in my hometown that we'd tip them really well, and ordered from them often. I'd hear friends claiming their orders taking 45-60 min, when we never waited more than 20-25. Out of curiosity one day, I asked them if there's a reason that it takes longer to get to

I agree, I posted last night after watching GTTV and I am STOKED. Who cares if it's a ripoff? Basically everything is a damn ripoff now-a-days, so why not a SSB clone? Hell, at least it'll probably get dlc like new characters and levels, unlike Brawl. I can't wait for this to come out.

I think this is awesome. While I love SSB, I rarely turn on the Wii anymore. A game like this featuring Sony characters will be fantastic. I don't care if it's a blatant ripoff, it looks amazing!

You know, either way would be awesome. :D

Someone needs to make OoT into a LttP remake. Am I the only one who thinks this could be awesome? Some of the elements might not work too well, but it could still be a pretty sweet game.

Do you have a higher-end pc, or how would you describe it? Mines... okay...but my GPU especially is absolute crap; it doesn't even have a dedicated fan, just a bunch of heat-sinks. Just wondering if I'd be able to run it alright.

I'd love to give it a try! How is it from what you have played?

Thank you for apologizing, appreciate it.

Commentator: LIGHT THAT THING UP!!!!!!!!

I love the comment below the video, "Wear a cleavagy shirt, get mad when guy looks at your breasts. WOMEN LOGIC." hahahaha.

Well, this is a gaming website with mostly males (not all though), so we're the perfect audience for something like this. I mean, geez, what guy loves seeing cleavage? It's disgusting. Also, now that I know that women's cleavage is covered up properly, I can relax and go back to my gaming. PHEW! Glad that was solved

Uh, not really. No need to be a dick about my comment.