
Or when you're playing the damn game with touch controls when it was designed for a physical controller. Shit, even with a KB it's still easier than a touch screen. I never understood why people want to play games like this on a touch screen because it makes it so much harder and not for a good reason.

I'm not a huge comic fan so Batman being a bit more "realistic", as he's not some mutant or something just drew me in more. Just sayin as a personal preference, I'd give other comics/ comic movies a chance, I just don't have the time.

Indeed, but I'm not too knowledgeable of them. I do know my family owns a M1 Garand, which has always been a personal favorite of mine. My brother owns a ton of guns too, most of which were my grandfather's before passing.

The Favre thing absolutely drove me nuts! So because he's a Jet now, means that those 16 seasons with the Packers negate his honor of being on the cover? Screw that! Did these same people print off a new Vikings Brett when he was traded to them for authenticity? Of course not, because they probably sold the game and

Finally being in my final semester of college, I feel SO backlogged on games that I've been meaning to play from this generation. I JUST beat "A Clank in Time". I have yet to touch SO many games; Assassins Creed and Mass Effect, God of War 3, just to name a few. I know there are more but I've been super exhausted this

Isn't the "woman" shes cosplaying as on the far left a transvestite or something?

Wow. I had a period of time where I'd watch Back to the Future almost 3-4 times a week, for almost a year. I guess I just immerse myself differently and love rewatching/ doing things over and over. :)

Yes, but people who have THAT much time to play it basically are unstoppable because they know what weapon is best and just exploit it, it still gets repetitive (at least to me) over time.

I've had the game since I was in 4th grade and I'm 24 now; nearly 14 years ago. I've beaten the game easily over 30-40 times because I do so like twice a year if not more. It's a fantastic game; my personal favorite. I don't understand how people have over 1,000 hours logged into BF3, a game that came out less than 6

This would be awesome if this happened just over 10 years ago when Disney had awesome programming instead of the crap that's on there now.

Interesting. Well once again best of luck to you in your life. :)

I have 210 left and I keep hoping some gem comes for my 3DS, but so far no luck. I recently used 400 for the Zelda History posters.

Where are you from that you were in HS for 6 years, and you end in the beginning of March? I'm not sure if you know, but in the States it's 4-years and we end around early June.

Unfortunately, all the linebackers sacked that idea a long time ago.

Did we really need the subtitles AND the video of himself? Neither made it more funny to me. I've watched enough Lets Play videos without subtitles, and its fine. Especially screaming! It could be someone from ANY country and you'd understand horror in their voice.

I wish I lived in a world where $450 was "super cheap" to me. Even $100 on something now is a stretch unless it's groceries. Still super overpriced if you ask me considering how many contending tablets are on the market now.

I know, but when BC2 didn't have it like that, you become quite accustomed to it, so Bf3 was a shocker. Drives me nuts, but at least you're not being cheap to level up quicker by boosting.

I'm just happy they're removing the ability to click-off C4 after you die. Nothing worse than kicking ass in a tank, seeing on guy lay C4, killing him, and having to abandon the tank because you know it's toast in a few moments when he's alive.

It could be you. Is the disk 100% clean? When was the last time you vacuumed/air blasted your console?

I think some gamers need to just get their heads out of their asses, shut up, and play their damn game! Most people need to just realize, we are all gamers and we shouldn't be fighting against the people who are there to create these games for us. "RAWR THIS GAME SUCKS, FIX IT, MAKE IT BETTER, I CAN DO BETTER, RABBLE