
Nintendo games could REALLY use some DLC. Can you imagine SSB with some DLC characters, or MP with new mini-games/boards, Mario Kart with some new tracks... etc etc ET-TO-THE-C!

Because no company has ripped off ANY other company for decades. It's pretty much all companies are now-a-days. Any "new" technology is usually something bought-out or stolen/tweaked.

I just want more/better VC games. Links Awakening made me super happy to get (I'm a huge Zelda fan and bought my 3DS FOR OoT, and got the special edition AND it was on sale for $180) and I would love to have an array of Zelda games with me without carrying several carts.

Really? With the thought that their console is going to cost quite a bit and the fact that most people who were drawn to the Wii for it's broad appeal will not see a benefit in getting slightly better graphics and some odd new controller. The next xbox/Ps (xbox mainly right now) have already had speculative

No no, I read it all. I like that they've made it that much harder. I typically pick a harder mode to play games because it makes it that much more enjoyable to me and adds a lot of replayability. That coupled along with trophies and I get the most out of my money.

This sounds a lot like what they did with BioShock when it came to the PS3 with "hardcore" mode. No vita chambers (had to be a save whore), extra hard enemies, and sparse ammo/health. I did it and while SUPER hard it was, it was quite enjoyable and well worth the required effort to beat a game like that; really made

Some people just have a bad altitude about these things.

I'm the 1000000th person to see this link and I've won something?! Yes, I'll click! Oh I have to download something? Whatever, I won something!

Thanks! I was never a runner but my girlfriend was and I slowly got into it..started with a 5K, then a 10K, then we did a 5 miler on Thanksgiving and now it's my first half. I may run the Madsion Half this summer too and there's a 15K on Valentines my gf wants to run. I've been bitten and like it. I'm by no means the

By no means do I want the consoles out this year, I just want to hear news about them and maybe they'll be out in 2013 or 2014. We'll see. Its amazing to think how long I've had a PS3. :D

I really look forward to this year for games. Hopefully news of all new home consoles and a slew of great games to boot. I can't wait!

You will be missed by us all! Hearing stories of your son growing up in this age made for great reads/videos and really allowed us to see gaming from a different perspective. You have written many great articles and will always be remembered. Best of luck in your life and to your family. Happy gaming!! :)

I'm amazed how little people know about super volcanoes; I still shock people when I tell them Yellowstone is a giant volcano ready to explode any day now.

I have a drink I've made for a few years now, and I usually make 2 "batches" worth for parties and its all gone within no time. Delicious, powerful, and fairly easy to make, but easy to mess up for some people. No strong taste if you make it right, and that's how I like it. Lets begin:

Couldn't help but remind me of this. Classic.

While I agree with you, you need to chill. If you bought a 3DS just to play old games that's your loss. I'd love to as well but I'll live if they don't. Hell, you're an ambassador, you have like 90% of the best games from the NES, what more do you want? I'd love to have those games. Shit, if you're really that

Floss is one of my favorite internet stars. Not only is he funny and smart, but he is really down to earth. One night, he was doing some live streaming of him playing piano. Afterward, he actually stuck around and chatted with about 50 of us for about 45 minutes. He totally seems like one of those guys who would be

I'm pretty sure they said in the trailer that they're basically saying "Rise". I could be mistaken however.

Yah, it was like my eyes thought my computer screen was my 3DS and was trying to adjust for it . I didn't get it for the 3D though. Im surprised i didnt get a headache because I always did within a few minutes at the store demos, but that might have been because of how they were positioned.

I helped my friend get his titles last night because he wasn't sure how and it made me super jealous that he got all those titles because most of them (original LoZ especially) are games I want to have on a portable. However, I had SO much fun playing OoT that I finally pushed myself over the edge and got one. I'm