
My point is that Netflix still had a lot of growth (most of it deserved) but their dropoff was because of several factors, but I get what you're staying.

Can't compare two different industries though. Netflix not only made a lot of stupid mistakes, but that stock was WAY overvalued. Most investors were calling this near its peak.

Well, then short the shit out of that stock and you'll be fine if you're so confident in its decrease in value. :D

Well if it was a placeholder, I'd assume a price of crazyness like 999... but $600? I personally I was hard pressed to get my PS3 at $600 (did, worth it even though it died) but with all it promised and gave I didn't regret it. I can't see myself being that convinced with the Wii U. Who knows what will happen at the

The article I was reading (not saying it's 100% legit) said that the conversion rate is almost 1:1 so it actually is slightly more in USD. However, when this EB Games listed the 3DS before the price was officially announced, they were spot on at that pricing. Here's the article I found if anyone else is curious.

Anyone else see the rumors that the Wii U was priced by an Australia (I think) EB Games at... $600! WOW! Am I alone in thinking that they are not going to do well with a console that expensive?! Oh man. People complained about the PS3s price at $600....I don't think a Nintendo console that high will do well.

until you started taking bullets?

Oh my god! I'm trying to contain my laughter as I'm sitting in a crowded campus area. Too perfect, thanks for sharing it. hahahahaha

Why do the knifes bounce off everything? The game doesn't have to be 100% realistic, but stuff like this really had put me off from the series. A knife MIGHT bounce off solid ground like cement, but never soft ground, especially for a instant kill. Not to mention the force required for a knife to enter someone's body

I'm not 100% familiar with back-up systems, but don't they have to take some time before they kick on, and for an arcade cabinet, the data would be gone instantly? Just my thought.

I usually play games as a human the first time, but for some reason the Argonian appealed to me greatly this time. I always like exploring water, yet with most characters you can't go very far. I should have already been diseased a few times, but my character is resistant so it made that a lot less of a pain in the

To be fair, a point-and-click game wouldn't hold up so well. Now, if it was a sandbox-like game I'd hand over my money instantly. I think I have my old donut-colored CD sitting around somewhere. Loved that game....and Cartoon Studio.

I lied, this would be the ultimate game.

I call for some Larry the Looter.

They also have the best prices for electronics and also they never try and make people buy things they don't need.

On behalf of all Packers fans, I would like to thank all the people who didn't vote for ARod. 8-0 people. :D

You would be correct, last year I spent well over 3 hours doing this. I'm not much of an artist, so taking the time to slowly carve through the pumpkin was a total pain, thus the Boo (which is right outside) is what I did this year. Sorry for the confusion!

This is my Boo! Not the most technical, but I spent too much time on mine last year to want to do it again. Still came out awesome though.