
She is absolutely gorgeous, it's just too bad that those are probably contacts making her eyes that blue. Check out her other photos where she plays Poison Ivy from Batman. Amazing.

Shouldn't the chainsaw blade go the other way? I'm no Gears expert, but I highly doubt an effective saw like that would have the points going away, not into, the victim

Did anybody think of Scorched Earth when they saw the picture? ....does anyone even remember that game besides me? I loved it.

Myers would just suck to be honest. His character is statistically slow, and making him fast would take away from his character. Plus he doesn't really have much of an element that would make it fit for "special powers", vs. FK is a dream character that could do these things. Jason and Pinhead would be awesome.

NO way. Looks absolutely disgusting and there is no way of getting rid of something like that.

Why can't I have my move Star Wars game? Move in one hand, nav controller in the other. I think this would work great. I mean...the move light up to whatever lightsaber color you have? FUCK YES PLEASE.

I thought about that, but being in pursuit of my business degree, I don't think that would look good in any situation. Whats why I'm thinking leg as most the time I'll be in a suit where you can't see my legs. I wanted originally to do something near my ankle, but I've heard it hurts like none other so I don't think

I'm not usually one for tattoos, but I've come to the realization that if I ever do get one, my first will probably be a triforce somewhere. Simple, can be hidden if placed right, and it lends a lot to me as a person. Some may just say "oh you'll hate it when you're older!", and I call BS. I don't go out and get 50

Do you hit a button to change what item you're using, or does it just guess by your actions? That was my biggest gripe when I saw the demo at E3 was that the game had to switch to your actions, not a user-manual switch, which I think would work best. I could be wrong, especially since I can't hear the video and my

Well.... they're basically second overall....you don't get to the final by losing games...

Then your objective is simple, you're a fucking troll. Get a life! You've made hypocritical assumptions about everyone who reads HP (and Twilight), therefore, what I've done to you is no different than what you did!

I didn't get into HP until I was over the age of 18 because of my girlfriend who loves them. When I saw the movie when it came out, I thought it was lame and childish, however she had no one to go with to the midnight showing of HBP so I went. I never knew how dark and deep the story goes and how intertwined

I love Zelda, however Links Awakening was always one game I never cared much for. Maybe it's because I got stuck and never actually beat it and now I don't have my GBC to be able to play it. To each their own. Maybe once I figure the whole game out I'll appreciate it more.

Yes he does.

Most excited for Salute Your Shorts. It starts the 25th at midnight ET, but will be airing weekends from like 4-6pm from what I heard. :D

You have no idea how excited I am for this.

He's Stryker.

I somewhat believe in ghosts/spirits. My parents house (for a few years) seemed to be messing with me. While it could be pure coincidence, I still have no explanation for what happened other than it was paranormal.

Brentalfloss is the man. I love all his work. He's so hilarious and talented.

People complain that no one on PS3 has a mic. While this is a problem for co-op games, it is a HUGE plus in games like this. Less people to mute, and listen to their idiotic dribble. I have a mic, but I never use it unless I'm playing with friends. Just a personal preference.