
Well Nintendo foresaw the problem with the Fire Temple chanting so it was removed prior to its release, not after. I think the red-green blood change was to keep it rated E. At the time, I think blood might have pushed the game to a T-rating so they changed it, but since the gold editions were already printed, they

But those weren't bugs, so I'd assume they used the later version.

Well he has water above him. You can live up to 30 days without food, but I'm sure he has some chips and other foods stashed somewhere. For going to the bathroom...well I'd rather not find out....

A $10 investment at a rate of 9.5% (which is quite generous) over 10 years you would have earned a cool $9.50. WOW!

If you think it's worth it to wait 14 years for a meal that would still have to be under $25, then to each their own I guess.

Love this service. It was introduced in our market (Green Bay of all places) a while ago, and I've been using it ever since. It's a great way to get NEW games that I'd like to play, but don't want to shell out $60 to do so. You don't have to wait long either. The best part is I can reserve it online and pick-up when I

Anyone else think that these douche bags need to be hacked themselves? Would be quite ironic and hilarious to see these idiots knocked down a few pegs.

Nope. I don't rent movies enough to warrant it. When I do, I go to Redbox for a night rental. I rent nowhere near 10 movies a month to justify that bill. Plus, Netflix doesn't always have what I want to watch. It's usually Friends or Simpsons. Don't know why, just easy to listen to as I fall asleep.

This irks me. Yes, most people do have a DVD player (I have 2, 3 if you count my desktop), but sometimes I go home and want to be able to watch movies as I sleep and my parents don't have a DVD player in that room. So, I can't just take one of their other ones because it would be a mess to get it back into those TVs

True, but like I said, I'm just surprised that you (probably) can't really pick how you want the game to play out for you. Several games can adjust to how you prefer moving from one vehicle to another in terms of camera and controls.

Wait wait wait.... Link is right-handed sword-play to make it better for the majority of people....however he shoots a bow left-handed? oh man...that is going to be annoying. Yes, switching hands would be a pain, but shooting a "bow" left handed would feel weird for me. I'm sure there are a few people out there who

What about us apartment dwellers? My bathroom is no more than 20ft from my TV, why wouldn't that work? I can't imagine it wouldn't. However, my toilet time is usually dedicated to beating A Link to the Past for the billionth time.

I've always wanted candles that were either Burning leafs (branches, compost, etc) or freshly cut grass. Looks like my dream is coming true. :D

I highly doubt the WiiU will debut for ~$275.

I'm sure someone said it, but why the hell is this not coming out on the Move? Your lightsaber color would be the color the move is (which would be bad ass) and the controls would be PERFECT. Just hold the Move in one hand, and move around with the Nav. controller (or dualshock) in the other. WHY is this not being

Thank God he didn't say that to the developers of the CD-I games...ouy...

Halo 4: Begin to Finish the Fight....Again....and then finish it after 2 more games!

You can if bail was set low enough depending on your threat level and the chances of you fleeing (most people don't realize that if you post someone's bond, you will receive that money back as long as they appear in court). Most the time you're locked up in jail until you are sentenced. You gatta remember that they

Just because you don't doesn't mean there isn't. There are still a lot of games released for the PS2, no one really talks about it too much because of the current gen consoles.

Calling it now: PS4 is dropped at E3 and Nintendo feels screwed over because their technology in "Project Cafe'" is CRAP compared to PS4.