
The PS2 was/has been on the market for more than 10 years as well; doesn't mean that the PS4 couldn't be announced or come out during that 10 year time.

hamster + microwave = boom.

OoT has been my favorite game ever since I played it almost 13 years ago in 4th grade. I've beaten it countless times and really am excited for the prospect of playing it whenever, where ever I want. However, dropping $250 on a system and then $40 on a game that I already own, and love playing on the N64, is really

Sometimes the pain comes from playing the game, setting it down for a while, coming back and having NO idea where you were in the temple and what keys are remaining/doors/etc. As Evdor said, there is a lot of swapping equipment and finding everything that makes it a pain. If it wasn't hard for you, then congrats. I've

They've been advertising E3 here and there and they say on their website "As always, we'll be bringing you every major press conference, live and streaming". Works for me.

Since I have TWC Digital Cable I get G4 so I'll be able to just DVR that if need be (summer class). Not too worried about it. Plus it'll be in HD on my 50" TV.

What shocks me most is some people are spending their life savings and selling their homes. Honestly I see the mind set, but....WHY?! Say your right, ok no harm done, world is over, and money didn't matter in the end. However, say you're wrong....you are FUCKED no matter what! Either you die, or your out of a home and

Yup, I was surprised they test-marked it up in Green Bay, WI, but I've been really utilizing it considering the only rental place up here is a Family Video and we have bitter relations with them. I've rented tons of games I would have otherwise not been able to play. $2/night cant be beat, especially when you're on a

Jerusalem still exists and rapture will come 3.5 years after the city is basically destroyed and an indescribable horror comes over that land. So even if that happened today, it will still be quite some time before Rapture begins. Move along everyone, just another whack-job getting his 2 minutes of fame. Mind you he

UGH! Who(m) ever the fuck hacked the first was obviously successful and a pain in the ass; do they not see they are hurting more than just Sony by doing this? Customers (who are just like them), Developers, and so many more people. This is pissing me off so much right now. It's uncalled for and, ironically, childish.

...I thought (and do) it was Up + B. lol

Looks like I need to bust out my perler beads again... :D

There were a lot of great games for the PS2, but nothing that you can't get upgraded on the PS3.... Ratchet, Sports games, GoW, GTA, I mean really there isn't much of a point. Sure I own several old Nintendo consoles, but thats more that I've had them for a long time and will never part with them....and still play

Uhh yes...it's in my car...let me...just...go get it..... *Homer run to car and drives off*

I had the original 60GB model with BC and honestly, even then, there were so many games that I never really used the BC. I only own one PS2 game now and it's a Friends Trivia game. I only keep it because I wouldn't be able to really sell it for more than $1 and maybe someday I'll be able to play it again. Not that I

Hell you can get a used PS2 for like $30....at least I can at all the used media stores around here.

Donate to the PCF (Poor College Fund). I'll send you my...I mean their...paypal.... :D

It's nothing amazing; just play through the challenge tower and you can see it. Honestly it didn't really add much to me when I saw it. It was like "Woo nostalgia!" and then I stopped caring. I'm not really focused on the fighters, moreso what the hell I'm doing and attempting to not get my ass handed to me.

I really hope that was sarcasm.

Nothing ironic about a network downtime and your scores, it's just a direct correlation or even an "opportunity cost". It would be more ironic if you were supposed to be writing an essay on the effectiveness of the PSN and how it operates.