
From what I've seen I disagree. The 3D is NOT the same as everything else; nothing pops out at you, you just get a sense that there is depth there. Maybe my eyes are just getting old and suck, but the 3D effect wasn't that amazing and gave me a headache after 5 minutes.

If my card gets stolen that's shitty and all, but at least my bank handles things like this really well and I watch my bank account daily, so if something is wrong, I'll know. I'm just pissed that Anonymous wanted to attack Sony and make them pay, and now honest gamers can't play their games, and are now potentially

Well said, I hate it as well. I feel like 3D was something that was a special event when you'd travel to disney and see a 5-10 minute movie in 3D. Now it's everywhere and it's going to just do horrible things to people's vision and heads. I'd like to have a 3DS for games like Ocarina of Time (my #1 favorite game)

Go to a Target or maybe even Best Buy, or hell, a Gamestop and you can try it. I played one for 5 minutes and my head was throbbing. It's sad that I really have to wait for the thing to come down in price because I will never really use the 3D feature.

I had to drive about 15-20 minutes to get MK, but usually the one at my local Walgreens (in Green Bay) has a pretty good selection of PS3/Wii/360 games. Hell they had LBP2 the first week it came out. $2/day, you can't argue.

I haven't enjoyed an MK game in YEARS. I rented the new one from a local Redbox and LOVE it. I have blistered my thumb I've been playing so much. The story is so well done and the gameplay isn't impossible, but is sure isn't easy.

They can be annoying, but if you learn to really utilize different special moves, the AI seems to falter; it's like they try to anticipate what you'll do next and all you have to do is throw a curveball and it's done/

I know what you mean. I've played guitar on and off and would LOVE for a game to really be able to teach me some new things (game + music is like a dream for me). It's just unfortunate that it IS so expensive. Maybe someday... *sigh*

Yes, the Fender Squire is at Best Buy only and is about $330 after you get the required Midi-adapter.

I swear, this is the first new console in a while that I can go into any store and find DOZENS of them available for sale. I was actually shocked to see so. But considering I got a headache from playing for less than 5 min on a demo unit, I won't be getting one for a while.

A lot of people have good points on both sides, however I know some of the people who saying "It's her tuition money, if she wants to fail/slack off she should be allowed to; that's her problem not the professors" are missing a huge point. It's true, let her fail and teach the kids who are there to learn, however this

In that sense it makes perfect sense for things to be hands-free, but for something like sanitizing your hands in a grocery store or something, you don't need to worry about making contact with a pump for 2 seconds.

What I don't understand with this "hands free washing" bull isn't just for faucets, it's this new fascination with hands-free anti-bacterial pumps. "Never touch a dirty pump again!"...well...if my hands have bacteria on them, using the soap/cream/liquid will kill it...so what does it matter if I make contact with a

Or, sleep for about 10 hours and have a bottle of gatoraide next to your bed. Whenever I do that, I wake up feeling great.

I was at a Target earlier today and they just so happened to have a 3DS on display and I was excited to take a look at it. Now, it may just have been the game but I really thought the 3D effect was super lame. It looked like there was just another screen a little further back and really had no sense of things

I agree with both of you really. Kral2, I was probably one of the few kids who liked (and still do) Raisin Bran. But it is true that (for example) I have Fiber One cereal which is almost 200 kcal without milk, while my cornpops are only 110. That's a huge difference for someone who tries to maintain an intake of 1900

It's dumb that people are getting all uppidy about "sugary cereals are horrible for kids!". Yes, kids don't need a lot of sugar, but sugars are simple carbohydrates, which a lot of "healthier" cereals have just as many if not more. It's also funny that a lot of "healthier" cereals have almost 100 more calories per

Uhh.. "Loot" can still be defined as personal possessions and aren't necessarily stolen. For example, you've just won big at a casino: "Dude, Fred! Look at all this loot!". Nothing illegal there.

I would disagree with this. I moved into my apartment not long ago and figured out the shower in about a week. Turn all the way to the left (blistering hot), wait until it reaches that temp. Turn back right a bit until I find desired temp. Is it really THAT much of a hassle? I GUESS I could save about 10 seconds, but