
If you want to be a grammar nazi, it would be "Wore".

I wish I had time for games now, but classes are just taking over my life again. *sigh*. In other news. GO PACK! So happy to see them win their 4th Super Bowl. Made me really happy to finally see Driver get his ring, and to see Rodgers get his in 3 years with the Pack. It just shows how great of a QB he really is. I

I was worried about my PS3 getting to warm in our little stand, so I cut out a hole, had an old 120mm tower fan lying around, stripped the black and red wires, attached them to a usb cable, plugged the cable into the DVR we have, and bam; cheap circulation.

@SKiTz: Well, it is when it's the game before the Super Bowl. :p

Pfffft. The game has a 1-2 chance of getting it right, so what that it's been right 6-7 times in the past 7 years. Flip a coin 7 times and you have the same odds of calling it 6-7 times as well. How often were the points anywhere near accurate? Probably not often. I'm sure it would have NEVER picked the Packers to go

@SKiTz: Bitter much?

@Chestnut Bowl: It can be a challenge if you've never opened a PC before, but I would assume you have a pretty good knowledge of computers. It's mostly common sense of how and where things plug in. I think the biggest pain in the ass is attaching the power/reset buttons/LEDs to the motherboard. Luckily with the mobo

@Chestnut Bowl: NP. I love these kits, just don't be dumb like I was and make fully check it out before you buy. I wanted to build a PC for a while after my last one went to shits (I think I fried it by, like an idiot, static shock). Have you ever built a PC before?

@a-rural-juror: Is Super Senior a year? haha, this is my 5th year (10th semester). I transfered to my college now last year (this is my 2nd semester here) and I didn't finally pick a major until mid-junior year. I won't be done until May 2012. Can't wait.

@madammina: JEALOUS! I've been in college for 5 years basically, 10th semester right now. I won't be done until May 2012. Thats what I get for finally finding a major I enjoy and can do something with mid-junior year. Best of luck!

@a-rural-juror: Unfort. I have class at 8am tomorrow so I have water (plus I don't drink often except for sometimes on the weekend). I do enjoy a nice rum and coke... (tho Pepsi tastes better with it). :D I'm so sick of school....blergh

@Chestnut Bowl: I bought a barebone kit off TD about a month ago and they ended up screwing it up and the processor was incompatible with the MB (something about it was "supposed" to work, but AMD ended up not being able to do so, so it didn't), so I got a new processor for it at about $10 more, and like .2Ghz faster


As much as Heroes jumped-ship and really didn't have much of a viewer base left, the way they just cut it off really pissed me off. I don't care if they have an episode where everyone dies in a nuke, I just want closure. Is that too much to ask for?

@Gators15: Biter much? The Bears DID go down. :D

Well it was worth it; the Pack won the game! Go Packers! I can't wait for the Super Bowl! Going to be a great game.

We have a used game/movie/cd shop around here (and most of Wisconsin, and I assume they're popping up more) called Mega Media Xchange. They're great for getting things cheap, but it's usually spotty for newer games, however its awesome for old games. They have every system for sale (from Atari's to PS3s (if in

@King of Madness: The Power Glove worked with just about any game; you just needed a certain code entered into it. How many games did it work well with? Not many. Rad Racer was ok.... Super Glove Ball was pretty much designed for it so it "works". Just watch the AVGNs review on the Power Glove. It's pretty hilarious.

@Good news, everyone!: I second that. I don't know why all-of-a-sudden this HAS to be your first portable system; there are plenty of other out there that have amazing and fun games. Sad days.