
@WonkersWatilla: Considering you do nothing more than push a few buttons, and it takes no more than 5 minutes (if you don't have a shitty connection), you'll live. It's not that much of a pain in the ass, I don't see why people make such a huge deal about it.

I'm all for saving money and getting games cheap weather it's used or rented. Don't get me wrong, I do drop the full price for new sometimes because then I feel like my money is going to the people that really deserve it. However, it really sickens me that people can drop $300+ on a console, and they feel the need to

@Gus Desu: They even have the exact same shields that SSB has. What a liar. I'd rather him admit they used SSB as inspiration then for everyone to blatantly see that they did and he denies it like an idiot.

@ddhboy: I'm 22 and I've played nearly all DN games, even when I was little.

Am I the only one to really spend time with Wii Sports Resort? Jesus that thing needs SOOO much calibration, even after a single round of something. The worst is that you have the damn thing (well most of the time) attached to your wrist, and it needs to be placed on a flat surface and upside down. It's horribly

@HowIsYourFlat: I dont LOVE the Wii for it's "precision", actually, like Table Tennis on WSResort, it drives me nuts how so unresponsive and inaccurate it can be. Sure motion+ adds more precision, but not enough for something like that. I'm no pro at TTennis, but I know the way I was playing on WSR was nowhere near

I'm quite excited about the Move. I enjoy the Wii, and I think the Move will be more geared toward hardcore gamers, and will have a much better sense of accuracy that the wii has never seen. Since I already have an Eye, I'll probably be getting 2 controllers, and a game (if I can find a job!). I can't wait to read

@p8ball4life: Do people just see things and never understand how they work? The glowing spheres are not just there for shits and giggles; they are the key to how the thing works. Like the Wii, the Move controller has gyro-meters and accelerometers, but unlike the Wii it doesn't use IR to track where the remote

@TehJHawk: I'm with you on that one......at least the bitter part. I'm sick of hearing about that drama queen.

@Markarian: I thought it was "Boo tee nee".

@DrGabriel: We learned a saying when we were fishing up in Canada: If it's brown, get down. If it's black, fight back.

Am I the only one who was reminded of this when I saw #1?

The man in the top picture has a creepy face inside that helmet.

@NoLongerMySelf: No need to name call; you make yourself look like you're twelve. It can also get you banned. You're sentence was missing words and was poorly structured so I had no idea what your point was; no need to be childish about it.

@NoLongerMySelf: "Finally"? Where the hell have you been? Uncharted 1 and 2 were both fantastic games, along with dozens of other games.

Theres a simple trick to this game: most of the time if it's a sequel/next game, you don't need the name. I put "Legend of Zelda" for about 6 different clips, all were correct and none of them were the original game. It's fun, but after a while I get frustrated.

@Degeiz: Looks fine to me

@Lassa: I would think that would have been one of the best places to demo off Move; so many people from all across the country come to Summerfest. O well, I haven't been there since I was 3 (don't like large crowds, makes me nervous). Hopefully it'll come to a mall somewhere in the WI area, or a BBuy. Regardless I'm