
@Maximegalon: Hahaha, so I've heard. I think that the wave of new Move stuff might offer voice recognition and such down the line, but Sony isn't emphasizing that as much because they want to focus moreso on just the Move controller, not features that are (a bit) pointless to most consumers.

@Maximegalon: It might blow me/us away, it might suck ass; I'm just skeptical is all. After the Eye(toy) really didn't do much I wasn't a fan of camera-based tracking of the body. I'm sure kids will love it, but parents aren't going to drop all the money for a 360 and kinect when they probably have a Wii. I'm more

@buckyboy2009: I'm sure if I still had one I could do it. I think my record time was 1min 24sec.

@Maximegalon: And now it looks like thats not the case!

I could swear it was 42.

@fuchikoma: Back 5 years ago there was no DLC. You can wait a few more months for it to come out unless thats your ONLY game you're playing, in which case I pity you. It's just one game.

@digitalboy: Yes it does, the "T" button is the "Trigger" button on the back of it.

@Maximegalon: Kinect already has problems tracking your body; just watch the demos that were on Jimmy Kimmel and such. Doing something like tracking minute movements in your hand would get tedious. Imagine playing an FPS and every other shot you fire actually works because the camera can't track your fingers too well.

@Handsome Al: And Jaws 15 is nowhere in sight. :(

@DarkPGR: Learn your facts, the move controller has been around since the days of PS2, but it took about 80% of the system to use it efficiently, whereas now its only about 5-10%. Look on youtube, hell look at the related link, there is nothing ripoff about Move other than they're entering into the Motion market,

@Maximegalon: Name one game they showed off that is doing this and is geared more toward hardcore gamers.

I don't normally find Asian girls cute (for whatever odd reason), but #1 is super cute. She's probably the type of girl who'd never give me time of day anyway....plus I love my girlfriend.

"Would" was a very poor choice of words IMO. "Yes, I would have, but will I now? Nope, sorry".

@CreepingDeath0: Not 100% sure on Kotaku, but it is on Gizmodo, which is owned by the same parent company. Saw a person who said that (on Giz) and they removed his star instantly. They said if he hadn't been starred, he would've been banned. Just a heads up.

@CreepingDeath0: Comments like "slow news day?" are grounds for insta-ban.

@Langlen: I don't understand why more companies don't allow this. It's not like it would be horrible to allow a console gamer (who shells out $60) to choose if they want to use KB/M or a controller, hell Ut3 did it just fine and I own it just to satisfy my PC cravings because I only own a laptop that can't really