
@Paradise: Why the hell wouldn't you want to hold Batarang?

@Sparky13: I really don't think a 3D screen is really going to WOW me over a ton. Sony is lunching 3D games on the PS3 (yes requires glsses and all tht jazz). Either way, 3D is just lame to me. So I'm sure that MS and Sony are saying "Oh look at me, I'm shaking in my little space boots".

@Cop Toffee: Plus the added accuracy of the Move in your hand, and the fact that the glowing orb could represent the same color of your lightsaber, it would be a totally awesome game.

Damn you Kotaku!!! :( That was the movie that made me terrified of clowns as a kid. Now I'll never get to bed. I realize I'm 22 and it's stupid, but I still hate them. The Joker is the only "clown" I'll ever like. Otherwise... *shiver*

@BlackStones: I have seasons 1-5! Laughing in the Dark terrified me.

@Karrek: I'm a consumer, not a power working with Sony to say we're better than you. It's different when he's of higher power and recognition to say something like that, then me, a person commenting on Kotaku. It was simply a thought of distribution vs singularity. I'm not saying Sony is better than MS or vise versa,

@Ethereal87: I would assume so. You can export it to RB2, and it's listed as "DLC" so I don't see why it wouldn't transfer too.

Since when does a 12 year old fanboy gain any respect? Oh wait, he's not 12? Wow, grow the fuck up with the "my dick is bigger than yours" shit.

@xsbs: and GH had Aerosmith, Metallica and Van Halen. Green Day isn't amazing, but I like them better than 2/3 of those other bands.

@Ethereal87: They said in a video on News Week that ALL songs will work. RB1 + 2 + Lego + DLC. Harmonix doesn't dick fans like Activision does.

@ClaudioIphigenia: I can't tell if that's sarcasm or not. If you're being sarcastic, then I'm with you, if not, wtf?

@Handsome Al: Sometimes they're impossible to find or don't exist anymore; some bands just never kept track of masters and disposed of them.

@Walking Eye!: That's pretty much how my dreams are. I have maybe a few seconds of consiousness where I might be able to control something, but then something sends me on a tangent and I'm back to letting the dream control me.

@gurfinki: The problem with GH and doing that, is that it would cost a fortune and none of your old songs would work with the next game. Charts for the keyboard would be overcharted and terrible, and the keyboard itself would probably be crap. Just my 2 cents from what I've seen.

Bohemian Rhapsody is pretty much confirmed now for RB3. There's no way it's not, especially with the piano now added. Kick ass.

Luca is expressing my jealousy that you got chocolates.

@masonsturtle: Woahhhh where are you getting your stats from? For "Under $100, you get a Move, game and a camera". I'm guessing the Move costs no more than $50 by itself.

@yamatosword: While there will be shovelware, I think Sony will limit this. They know it's just a waste of money and probably won't want their name on that sort of crap. I think that casual games (though some argue are killing hardcore games) are a great thing. Do I really care to go on shooting sprees all the time?