
@Kellen Dunkelberger: Problem though, the remote HAS to be pointed at the IR-bar. As soon as you point it toward anything else, the signal is lost. Yes, I should have reiterated that I was aware of that, but not many games use it as you're not going to be pointing the remote at the screen 100% of the time. Thus why

@Kellen Dunkelberger: Lighting isn't a factor with the Move. If you're in complete darkness it's fine, otherwise just close the blinds. Darker, the better. If you have too much sun blaring on your Wii's IR bar, it will mess with it. So both face the same problem.

@Strangelove: Couldn't agree more. Full album of DSotM, Wish You Were Here, maybe some Animals and Division Bell. Agh. Harmonix, damn you for teasing me.

I own a Wii and do enjoy it from time to time, but I'm really excited for the Move to come out. HD graphics and motion controls that are 1:1 really has me excited. Criticize it and me all you want, but it could be fun.

@laser beams: Did you never play the flash game where all you do is microwave a hamster? It's a really old game that I can't seem to find.

@Witzbold: I thought that was the funniest thing, The best part is when you give him back to Weird Ed and he gets really pissed and then kills you. Still makes me laugh every time.

Maniac Mansion is still one of my favorite games on NES. It's really hard too. I think I've beaten it once and I had to use a guide. Fun stuff and it's really intense if you ask me. It always makes me nervous to make a move because of someone around the corner or the doorbell rings..etc.

Move support PLEASE?!?!?! That would rule. The ball on the controller would be whatever color you pick as a light saber. Omg...I'm dying for this.

Well, I sold MW2 in favor of BC2 and haven't regretted it yet. Free maps/DLC and its so much more strategy beyond shoot anything that moves. Just IMO. I loved COD4 but MW2 was just more of the same thing to me; nothing really amazingly new.

I'm celebrating Star Wars day. (May 4th.... May 4th be with you...haha). I got on my Empire Strikes Back shirt (my favorite of the saga), and I've been having random FB quotes from the movies, and I changed my profile pic....I am a nerd, I know. Aren't we all?

The smell of fresh mowed grass is the best; love it! Sadly, at my apartment complex, the asst. managers are complete idiots and don't understand how a lawn mower runs properly. Not to say that they don't know how to use it, its just that every time, it starts to spew smoke from the engine, and it then ruins the smell

They better release a PS3 patch for Move compatibility, otherwise I'll probably pass.

@NightMystic: We just bought this pack of magnetic craft strips at wal-mart for super cheap. You really don't need mush to hold them up. The stickyness of it usually doesnt hold too well so we just apply a bit of super glue and its fine.

@crd22: eh, I get what you mean, but considering that my girlfriend did that one free-handed, I give her credit. Ike was a cross-stitch pattern that I found and just converted it to beads.

@Menolly aka Robyn: Hahaha, no worries, I stole the idea from tons of other people too. It's nothing original. I look on [deviantart.com] for ideas of what people have done. :)

@NightMystic: It's too bad more people like you aren't on ebay. I would throw them up, but the problem is that so many other people do this that chances of mine selling aren't very high. They're really simple to do too. 1 pixel = 1 bead. Just find a sprite and there ya go. It makes for some good stress relief and it

@Thut: Perler beads. The plastic beads that you put on a peg board, then put a sheet of wax paper over it and iron (fuse) them together.

@buttersstotch: I forgot to mention that it says "It's dangerous to go alone. Take this" above the old man. How I managed to make that out of the fridge word-magnets that we have is beyond me. It took about an hour or so.

Is this art? I sure think so. My girlfriend and I love doing these.