I attend a tiny college with NO athletics department, and many students here write at or below that level. This is not a college sports issue, this is a problem that pervades our entire educational system.
I attend a tiny college with NO athletics department, and many students here write at or below that level. This is not a college sports issue, this is a problem that pervades our entire educational system.
Nothing new here. Don't we all know that guy who keeps going to college parties long past graduation, and his working class buddy who does the same thing with high school parties?
Adults go to party city to hook up with other adults with similar getaway ambitions of drinking and hooking up. You are blowing our minds today, Callie! I hope you get to the bottom of this rotten mess.
I think its more like, cultural appropriation isn't ok, unless I can fap to it.
What's the range on a 40 or 50 ton tank w/ an electric motor?
That is funny you mentioned this, my buddy who works with battery design said that this would be an ideal hybird!
The PL-01 also lowers its infrared signature through cooling and dispersing the exhaust from its 940 hp diesel engine
Why? The one reason I can see for it in the article boils down to it being a derisive and snarky way to make the same criticism, and you as an employee of Gawker have absolutely zero grounds for trying to tell people not to act in that fashion.
I get why clickbait isn't acceptable to use for some sorts of criticisms, but how do you figure it's not acceptable to use in the case of a misleading headline designed to make people think that a fairly mundane article is not mundane? I take it to mean the same thing. You may not like that it carries with it a much…
I read EXACTLY the following:
Sensationalized headlines used to make not-so-life-or-death stories sound like its LITERALLY LIFE OR DEATH is lame click baity garbage used to drive eyes to stories that don't deserve it.
One of the F-117A's that still flies is flown by civilian LM pilots that operates out of Plant 42. I know this because the photo you posted of the 'Grey Dragon' flying at from head-on, was taken by a close friend of mine who was a boom operator. He's refueled that same plane multiple times over the Southwestern skies,…
That's only like 10.8 US points?
This whole vine is a series of amazing things.
1) Defenders use of the modified Super Crab stance. Making for maximum non-deffense.
2) the absurd, "Around your back" dribble that only works on white dudes under 5' 6" (Biebs prime opponents)
3) The supreme level of flop.
4) Defenders "Wha-happened?!" look at the camera.
God, I wish Caity could do a complete psychoanalytical breakdown of this for us
"He deserved my scorn, but doesn't deserve it from everyone else."
"I don't usually share drama on social media"
There has been far too little discussion of the fact that Marshawn opted out of the final 9 minutes of the Super Bowl. He told the coaches and his teammates that he was done, and when asked by Pete Carroll if he wanted to go back out and get a 2nd TD, he replied with a Marshawn-esque "nah." Dude could've gone in for 1…
Anyone else disappointed when he said axe and it turned out he was talking about body spray?
This is not the Malice at the Palace. This is a kid that pushed a guy who called him "the N-Word"