Dr. Spaceman

As far as the dick thing I remember seeing something on the History channel (ancients behaving badly maybe) that small dicks were in style back in the day in ancient greece. Or maybe it was Cracked.com, who knows can't remember.

How the fuck did Jezebel get credentials for media day? AMIRITE?

I know its a different sport but I have never more in my life wanted to see Richard Sherman cover someone.

Yeah, that's what I thought.

okay this is all fine and dandy, but why is Bubbles holding a drumstick

Aren't the PPG's meant to be in kindergarden?

I don't care what anybody says. That guys fucking cool.

I can dig this. For me it was because GTAIII-San Andreas were gestalt experiences. None of their individual parts were exceptional but the whole package was unlike anything else. I hated when they rebooted things with IV because I thought things were better when the game didn't take itself so seriously.

That interview was awesome. If you disagree, you should take a long look at how boring your existence is.

"(Ann Wilson) can do what she wants." The lead singer of fucking Heart has built that level of cachet? If you say so.

Neither gas the Brady Campaign, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, PETA, the ACLU, the Denver Broncos, or anyone else whose group has nothing to do with mental health. Is there a point here?

The $10,000 reward suggests they thought the images would be shockingly, outrageously edited, and worth an ~expose~ about how women like Lena aren't allowed to appear in their natural glory. The actual minor retouches, and grasping at "but this is still a lesson, kids!" are kinda womp-womp.

3OH!3: My first kiss went a little like this (kiss noise)

But yet, and it pains me to say this, he's not wrong, and Bud/MLB are clearly more villainous in this circumstance.

So you were just going by the closed captioning and not what was actually said and then arguing about it like you were right? Get the fuck outta here

I am categorically opposed to being forced to take two and a half minutes to watch what I could have read in thirty seconds, but I did so anyway, to make sure my comment wasn't included in the video.

star, because I know what you had to google.

This kind of pretending not to tell everyone how principled you are so that everyone fawns over how principled you are will play so well at PSU.

The edges of these pits appear at first glance to be lined with gold — but the true composition of the dust comprising the walls of these pits remains a mystery."