
Sadly Brent Musberger no longer works for ABC otherwise he'd fit perfectly

I might have been reading too much into it but for a second it looked like Stan's gears were turning when she said that…thought back to last week or whenever when he talked about not trusting anyone, he might be hip to her game

I just cracked up at riding a bike being a qualifier for citizenship on top of birthplace…Trump's said he doesn't exercise so I doubt he's getting much pedaling in himself

He has been treated worse than any other president!

I recall the power of loose meat saving them but it's been a few years

"If you left when the movie had ended, you'd be home by now"

Mother says I am the Best Boy

Does this unseat the time Danny DeVito showed up drunk as the most important interview ever conducted on The View?

Poor Bobby…ignored in life, incorrectly called Tommy in death

Easily the worst offender

There's also a running theme (at least in the Chabert offerings) of Christmas wishes being a thing (this year's entry was literally called A Christmas Wish)…I wasn't aware Santa had genie like powers beyond bringing children toys

For Grace, Hallmark “stands for legitimate family values.

Shame that "If I were you I'd buy a bullet and rent a gun" wasn't saved for a more culturally significant film so it could live on through history

Considering Knox didn't know who Bruce Wayne was when at the man's house I'm guessing his lack of journalistic acumen cost him his position

This was pretty much what Dave's Old Porn was on there but sadly that was gone after but a couple seasons

To shreds, you say?

Not grossed out by the step-siblings thing, but would have liked to see a scene where Josh's college buddies find out he's banging a high school junior and give him holy hell for it

They might not have realized it upon granting Look Who's Talking the rights but any hearing of I Get Around is sadly accompanied by a visual of George Segal's sperm on it's mystical journey in my head