
In my head Dottie Henson held on to the ball at the end of Game 7 and didn't help make a winner out of whiny ass Kit, I usually bail when Bill Pullman shows up

The human equivalent of giving a cat one of those under-the-rug toys. They'll keep themselves busy for hours

He's an agent, sure, but not a spy

If he's regal, he's legal

The only actor with a head big enough to play the Juice is Travolta but blackface is frowned upon these days…thanks Social Justice Warriors

A common refrain with a buddy if one wanted to go to the bar but the other was still too hungover from the night before was to channel Zapp Brannigan with "The spirit is willing, but the liver is spongy and bruised"

"Is Todd at Camp Grenada?"

Best part of having parents north of 60 is being able to butt in to rambling stories with "The important thing was that I had an onion tied to my belt"…fingers crossed I haven't been written out of the will

Nuke LaLoosh's pitching motion never approached something that would actually get the ball over the plate

The number of off days is ridiculous, it basically meant the Royals had a fully fresh bullpen every game and Madison Bumgarner got to start 6 out of 16 games (not to mention the 4 innings thrown in Game 7)…a baseball regular season tests your depth and 4th/5th starters matter, postseason is just a different animal

I would have preferred it if Todd disappeared without explanation and was replaced by a gruff but lovable replacement for a few weeks before showing up again to say goodbye

Always loved the turn on the Norm gag where they show him entering his favorite steakhouse from the outside and all you hear is "NORM!" as the door closes

The previews with Bart singing Batman Jingle Bells was a big draw to my seven-year-old self

Wondered the same but can't tell if his enjoyment of Americana is genuine or a know your enemy kinda thing, did the USSR also have disco clubs for him to dance in? Could be a deciding factor

Where does the Annexation of Puerto Rico play from Little Giants fall in that spectrum?

My curse is always noticing when one play ends at the 30 and the next snap comes from the 10 thanks to the magic of editing