Butter Nutter Oreos

I don’t know, if we start excluding some that wouldn’t be fair to the others.

They’re actually looking through his crotch, at his wallet in his back pocket. Like Superman, except hoes. I believe the prophet Soulja Boy wrote of this 

I resent the fact that my little poor country in Central America, can declare elections as national holidays and are held always on sundays, provide free public transportation for the day, and offer free sandwiches and coffee in polling places. America needs to do better.

If you hate pumpkin pie you may never have had a truly good punpkin pie.

Someone once got a Costco pumpkin pie for the family feast and it was a) not spiced enough and b) covered in some kind of weird glaze? Awful.

Anna’s opinions are the only right opinions, on both the racist nature of this otherwise excellent holiday and on pie. Also:

Garbage pie. The well known idiom isn’t ‘Murican as Pumpkin Pie. It’s ‘Murican as Apple Pie.

Oh my god, I can relate to this. Went through his phone when he went to the bathroom cause he had been pretty damn bad about hiding it earlier that day. Bam. Most recent text convo.

I’m in Petaluma and every grocery store is getting dangerously low on booze. The Target within walking distance of the Fairgrounds evac shelter was stripped BARE of beer and wine. Most of us have our cars half packed already with planned “landing points” for WHEN we have to evac. It’s weird how most of us think of it

Santa Rosa native here, living 0.5 miles from an evacuation boundary. Please consider donating to Laguna Veterinary Hospital. It’s a small clinic with only one vet. They’re caring for injured pets and absorbing all of the costs. They nees money for medical supplies and prescriptions that only they can buy.

Ladies and Gents:

No shit? An anonymous comment on the internet wont get me sex? Hey thanks! You’re performing a wonderful public service, mate! Keep up the good work!

Pretty simple really, allow me to mansplain the cause of this inequity:

I just wanted to add that GLOW was a really terrific show and I’m so glad to be anticipating an upcoming season 2.

If I am ever kidnapped or go missing, no one will care. There’s nothing the media loves more than “MISSING MOM.”

Latinas are majorly underrepresented on broadcast network shows, accounting for only 5 percent of all speaking, women characters 

He does love to sleep.

If there’s anything Bubbles loves more than this grey leopard dressing gown, I don’t know what it is. Our happy morning place.


The Fedoration of Males?