Butter Nutter Oreos

The only possible (And it’s a damned long shot) plus to a colony with only men in it, is that somehow they have conceivably figured out doing their own laundry, cooking, cleaning, and general housekeeping.

Tahoe is a mixed bag. It is pretty expensive to live here, the gas is a dollar higher than 30 minutes down the hill towards Reno. If you make less than 10 an hour, you would struggle here. Proabably 80 percent of all jobs are seasonal, so you can only find work from late November-April 1 and then from June

I must tell you, I have been drinking a delicious bottle of wine, and so my proofreading skills are not that great.

Oh I feel you. Sometimes I want to explain rationally that people shouldn’t pretend that shitty racist/homophobic/sex is comments aren’t funny, but I always stop myself . I can’t stop these people from doing this in this way, they aren’t receptive to changing their minds on a Facebook thread.

Caprese everything! Sandwiches, salads, wraps, you name it. Just wrap it all seperately.

Not a binge watch, but I rewatched Land Before Time, which was a staple of my childhood. And I noticed something that baby butternutter missed.

I am sure you are a perfectly capable person at taking care of yohrself, and I hope you will forgive me for this advise/venting if it isn’t wanted. I don’t know if you are going to a first Warped Tour or if you have done the outside all day festival before, butseriously, sunscreen (the squeeze tube) and water bottles

The only doxxing you should worry about is people who want to snuggle that adorable creature!!!!! What a cutie pie, I am going to die he is so handsome!

Is twinja (is this even the right term) active during the week too? I miss you crazy people when it isn’t saturday, but I really only post on Saturday Night Live, because I am not super witty on the articles posted during the week.

I love portland, and if I could afford a city life, I would move there in a heartbeat. The silver lining is small town traffic, which is usually a plow tractor on the road in the winter, and beach bums in the summer. No where takes more than 30 minutes to reach and five bars I can stumble home from in less than a mile.

It is literally called Baby Foot:

Haha, got it

I have to make an amendment to my proposal because of autocorrect!

It was hard when it was happening, but now it is just funny to laugh at.

I am horrified on your behalf.

My night is complete now. I thank you for that laugh!

That is kinda adorable.

Well, I vertex keep them off then. What if I’m audited by the IRS and I can’t give them my paperwork? That would be awful. ;D

I am getting some collagen undereye masks and this baby feet kind of product to peel the dead skin off of myfeet, which are kind of always between being horrifying and decent.

It is definitely paradise. It is reallyremoved from my kind of social groups, though, so I can miss people sometimes.