I didn’t know there was any desert in Canada. I live up-mountain from Reno and I do not know how people live there. It is so dusty and hot.
I didn’t know there was any desert in Canada. I live up-mountain from Reno and I do not know how people live there. It is so dusty and hot.
Awwwwwww Gus! Look at that adorable grumpy face.
It is on Amazon.com for 20-30 bucks. It is pretty nice.
Yummmmmmmmm. Especially if it is grilled watermelon
Cold pizza dipped in ranch is amazing.
I melted reading how hot it is. Where are you that is that hot in April? Is it by a tropical boat? I hope so.
Yes, I have. She was not impressed.
Her response:
I always buy really dark clothing for work, so it is a little inconvenient she sheds so much.
She must be able to hear when the camera sticks on so she gives me dirty looks.
I have been eating so much caprese salad. It is time for caprese salad and caprese salad panini sandwiches and prosecco and everything.
The weekend at last. I want to get some burgers and fries and onion rings, but I don’t want to walk in the rain to get it.
I love living in Tahoe for this reason. There is always a beautiful new trail to explore, and you may only see a couple of people on the way. It is absolutely lovely.
We were going to go to the vets this week, but someone’s dog got hit by a car and needed emergency surgery, so they rescheduled me. Our appointment was a checkup and nail trim, which is not at all an emergency, and definitely can wait two more weeks, so I just bit the bullet and trimmed her claws myself.
haha, I feel the same about Emily. I must say, she works hard to sharpen her claws, and just when she makes any progress with them I cut them as close to the quick as I can. Nothing makes her madder at me than nail day. :D
sweet baby!!!! I am in love with this blissful nap.
I feel bad that I can’t get a pic up, but I will post two next week, so no worries!!!!
Yes, this!!!! Sadly, my hot tub hook up is moving away, but I must go to the rich bars and befriend new hot tub havers.
I love all the seasons, but I get tired of them. I can walk to a beautiful Tahoe in ten minutes (five minutes if I cut through the woods and cross onto some private property), and i have a bunch of really cute bathing suits and I want to spend more time laying on the beach reading a book and people watching. Winter…
Honestly, were I your facebook friend, I would stalk through your pictures to see more of that charming face. I once was facebook stalking a random ass stranger who I’ve never met, but they had the cutest, fluffiest puppy ever and I liked their picture because life is fleeting and I don’t give a fuck when I am drunk.