
No mention of this being a concept album based around Charles Burns' "Black Hole"? I imagine that must have been mentioned in the press release.

That was my exact reaction as well. B-side collection. A lot of the songs sound exactly like stuff he's done before, to the point where I was unsure if I had accidentally put my iPod on "shuffle artist". Still enjoyable though, don't get me wrong.


I've neither watched this episode nor seen your video, but this seems spoiler-y. What else could "Game of Thrones" mean in this context than a shocking character death? Coupled with the image of Vince Vaughn, I really hope this doesn't mean what I think it means. Real shitty thing to plaster all over your front page

Allow me, then, to posit that you simply don't like giallo movies. And that's OK.

Exactly. On one hand it seems counterintuitive for him to lash out and say "I don't sexually abuse children!" when no one had accused him of that. Just an accusation of pedophilia will tarnish you forever, so it's strange he would invite it.

I assume you're either five years old, or a frumpy forty-something office manager in Tweety Bird sweatpants.

I wouldn't put it past them to make him a cliche self-loathing gay guy, but I read the anecdote as him thinking "Shit, how can I quickly endear myself to this old, dirty dude? I know - I'll bust out a gay slur and we'll be best bros". And Brown just shoots him down, knowingly exactly what he was trying to do.

The A.V. Club

I do think he's still alive, but mustache-less Farrell probably means it's a flashback. He didn't have a mustache in the flashback in episode 1 either.

You're genuinely worried that Paper Tiger's joke about True Detective crossing over with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a spoiler?

It's a chest freezer. Suspended by parachute cords, if I recall correctly. There's a long sequence where they're riding in it dangling from a helicopter.

Isn't that poster more "fatty do sweet action movie slide across floor"?

Eh, there's a trilogy based around a specific brand of ice cream appearing in each movie. Trilogies can be as broad or narrow as you want them to be, and these are certainly 3 very thematically similar movies.

Avengers 3:
"Warm…and mandatory."

I'd recommend Wrong Cops. It's obviously as disjointed and random as Wrong, but it has the advantage of being way more of a comedy. Some absolutely hilarious scenes in there.

Made even more hilarious by the fact that the dog is in fact played by TWO canine actors, Luke and Body. Seems like Dowd is Team Body, all the way.

Fucker on the right looks disconcertingly like a young, shiny Nick Swardson.

Absolutely loved this movie. The review doesn't even mention the best part (involving a treadmill). Hardest I've laughed at a movie in a long time, and the spaghetti scene inspired me to do the exact same thing when I was at a hotel the week after I saw it. A glorious experience, and a fantastic film.

Yep, way different if you sort by oldest first. First 100 comments were almost all hateful attacks against a podcast nobody had heard. The tide changed after that.