
"Would", since me saying I like the podcast is met with "how much are you getting out of this?" and "which of the guys are you, LOL".

A very funny half-hour every week. Is it so unfathomable that someone who visits this site would enjoy a podcast about a couple of dorks giggling over Adam Sandler movies?

I don't know, to me she seemed to be playing the part of "wacky, old Lindsay Lohan" so broadly it's befitting a Friedberg and Seltzer movie.

Like I said above, I think it's all about that photo. They look like total assholes.

Or on the other hand, maybe that indicates that this show isn't what you seem to think it is.

So you've gone from just making worthless firsties to actually actively trolling the site now?

Suit yourself. The episodes are only 30 minutes long though, should you want to have a listen to the actual product before declaring you dislike it. I'm sick of the whole "this is why (movie) sucks"-trend of celebrity too, but this is something else.

YMMV, clearly, but I think it's great. They're such likeable guys, and the dissing of the movie isn't too mean-spirited. It's fascinating to see their descent into madness as they torture themselves with this project.

Then maybe make it something a little more worthwhile than "I have no idea what I think about this".

Wow, a surprising amount of hate in this comments section. Has anyone here actually LISTENED to this before deciding they hated it? I personally think the show is absolutely amazing, and it's much more about the chemistry between the two guys than it is about dissing the movie.

John Gemberling is the absolute worst part of both Broad City and Marry Me. He is NOT a-mahh-zing.

I tried singing that to the tune of "She Don't Use Jelly". It worked pretty well, up to a point.

What I'm hearing is that you hate them for giving you a mean ol' primal boner.

I have a Labyrinth poster on my wall. The tagline "Where nothing seems impossible, and nothing is what it seems" drives me fucking nuts.

Yes, I agree - shallow and pedantic.

Same way latter-day Robert De Niro can be accused of doing a poor Robert De Niro impersonation.

I think the album is pretty decent, myself, and Pixies are my favourite band. I think it suffered coming after the EPs and bringing no new songs to the table - why release the EPs by themselves if you're just going to bunch them together into an album? It doesn't flow very well as a result of that, but a lot of the

Who’s got thumbs, wrote this review, and watched every episode of Whitney? That’s right, this girl right here.

"We shouldn't say mean things about his movie, he probably worked really hard on it"? Come on, now. I'm sure Nolan can frottage himself against his gargantuan pile of mink coats and bejeweled scarves to make himself feel better.

I did indeed find the cinematography very bland. But someone pointed this out recently: can you recall a memorable SHOT from a Nolan film? I rack my brain, and I just can't - not that his films are ugly by any means, but I don't think he's crafted a single memorable shot in his entire career.