
I like the idea of the shot, but I wasn't too impressed with Aziz' acting in it. (I think he falls into the Seinfeld school of "terrible actor, but believable character".) He just did way too much - constantly sighing, looking up, down, fidgeting, rubbing his face…didn't feel believable at all.

Yeah, at least Dev has a good reason for it with all those sweet TV commercial residuals. Plus it's probably closer to Aziz' real-life experiences than trying to depict him as a struggling artist would be.

Expressed the same sentiment above. His parents can be good when he writes to their strengths (allowing his father to be goofy, for example), but I have no idea why he thought his mom could do an emotional scene. "I am so upset with you." she drones, before shuffling off while looking at her marks on the floor.

They do take me out of the show sometimes. I feel like on a less cinematic show the parents' bad acting would be more apt, if they were going for a feeling of realism. But on something as stylised as MoN, it just comes across as awkward. At least the dad is funny - the mom isn't "deadpan", she's just straight-up awful.

Plus I get the feeling that a part of Czernobog secretly wants to go with Wednesday, but is too proud to admit it.

High Maintenance debuted as a web series in 2012. The 2016 season is the first season on HBO, but it was a highly successful web series before that.

I did the same mistake the first time I watched it. And my horrific racism aside, I think it's because the actor is so bad that when you see the Asian co-creator's name you think "Oh, THAT explains how the fuck they thought it was a good idea to put this guy on screen."

That, too. And they made a sequel that's set entirely in New York, which was actually called "New York, I Love You".

Interesting that they don't mention High Maintenance at all, since the "New York, I Love You" episode is pretty much a homage/blatant rip-off of their entire style. I guess I could buy that they're unaware of it and thought of the "stories of NYC people you usually never see" by themselves, as it's not that original

Takes me back to me recently watching "My Life as a Zucchini" dubbed in Mandarin, and thinking throughout "Wow, Swiss French almost sounds like Chinese huh"

That's interesting. I got some real Mulholland Dr. vibes from that fat lady walking that "small, Mexican chihuahua!" down the hallway - reminded me of the secretary that gets killed in the hilariously bungled assassination early in the film.

Well…for good reason, no?

I'm sorry I was rude to the TV program

I'm sure they do, and I agree with pretty much everything the show is saying. I just think there's a way to make those points AND be engaging, instead of just coming across as dull preaching to the choir.

I thought this was pretty rank, to be honest - just a desperate, somewhat embarrassing attempt to come across as "woke AF". I feel like there's a ton of interesting new shows out there, like Atlanta and Insecure, that manage to say a lot about the black experience in America today while still being engaging - this

I've eaten this, and while it is great, it's the exact type of hot dog you'll get everywhere in Scandinavia: boiled, nice n' firm, crispy + raw onion, fluffy bun. It's no better or worse than what you'll get at any Norwegian gas station, but since it's in such a high-traffic tourist area it's "the best in the world".

Agree that the first half is the strongest, but the penultimate song "Shadows" with Debbie Harry is one of the highlights to me. And I'd say the strong opening extends through track 7, "North Star", which has an incredibly sweet and poppy beat.

Yeah, there aren't any courtroom scenes in Captain Fantastic. I think you may have confused a "bustin' into a funeral" shot with a "bustin' into a courtroom" shot.

This is my album of the year so far, absolutely love it. "Time On Her Side" is such a banger - sounds like an 80's New Wave karaoke staple like "Don't You Forget About Me" and "Don't You Want Me Baby".

Ah, good old Mike "If you think 'If you think tracking shots are good, you don't get cinema' was my argument, you don't get my argument" D'Angelo.