
This was my favourite film of 2016 as well. To say it's like "Freaky Friday meets Nicholas Sparks" feels a bit insulting - it's sentimental, sure, but it's way more of a thrilling sci-fi story than that would indicate. The relationship-plot is much more secondary than those two namedrops would indicate - the focus is

I'm sure it's incredibly profitable - what he means is that they don't make a profit on the TV broadcast itself. The money's in the merchandising and licensing.

It certainly feels like Harry would be way more likely to ditch Marv and go into business on his own, than the other way around.

You just know there must've been a Kubrick-level amount of botched takes where Pesci accidentally let the expletives fly.

Why is French Stewart dressed exactly like Harry, if he's playing Marv? Did Harry finally succumb to the brain injuries inflicted on him, and this is Marv's sad way of paying homage to his deceased friend?

He's still alive actually, turned out he was catfishing everyone (he's also Opera Punk). Realise that that joke seems offensive if you didn't know that

Close - it was actually a crush on E. Buzz Miller, which led to him waking up in a Tijuana bathtub with his organs removed.

Are we sure it does, though? The female characters all need to have proper names for it to pass, it can't just be "Buxom Cop #2" and "Fat Chick" talking.

Did you think they were saying Hannah's like Jeff Dunham?

I think they're thinking of the director's follow-up movie, I Am the Pretty Thing That Lives in the House, which was indeed a Netflix movie. Both are great films, but I Am the Pretty Thing… definitely feels like a low-budget experiment compared to his non-Netflix movie.

I think that's a conscious misdirect - you're supposed to think they're building the wall, but the wall is made of steel and concrete and they were only building the door out of lumber. Still - bit of a mixed message, yeah.

Here to bitch about the grading again. I thought the AV Club's policy was to review episodes of shows against the show itself? I.e. a Big Bang Theory A is not necessarily as transcendent as a Curb Your Enthusiasm A, they're just A episodes of that show.

The one thing that bothered me about the twist was how the lady next to Bruce Willis was all "The Horde? That remains me of that other guy with the weird name…the one in the wheelchair…Mr. Glass"

I was never one for the "this reviewer doesn't get the show"-cries before, but come the fuck on. It's "boring"? There's not enough answers to the mysteries, a couple of episodes in? I think it's a nice slow burn, and I'm enjoying simply spending time in this universe. Maybe swap out this reviewer for one with at least

A grown man complaining that a kids' show is "deeply patronising" to him is the most AV Club thing ever.

I had an ad pop up for this film on Facebook the other day, featuring a dead-eyed Nick Kroll sitting on a sound stage explaining how he crafted the character of that ugly fucking pig. Like, what sorta kids is that supposed to appeal to?

Word. A co-worker of mine recently told me that her and her boyfriend will send each other pictures of their more impressive bowel movements. It would actually be somewhat LESS gross if it was due to a fetish thing, but nope. Just for funsies!

You're adorable.

"How many Arnolds?"
"Just one, at first. But he'll train others."

Directed by Mike Mitchell? WHAT? OKAY!!