
I usually love Gilliam's sci-fi films, but boy was this ever a turd. The review doesn't even mention that 50% of the runtime is devoted to Waltz speaking to an insufferable hacker teen, delivering nothing but "Can you jam with the console cowboys in cyberspace"-style lines. Cringeworthy stuff, a truly awful film

Something tells me you feel the need to excuse yourself with "I may be a butthole, but I'm OFF MY MEDS PEOPLE" quite often in your daily life.

About time someone knocked the starch out of that stuffed shirt.

Those…slots…uh, a few of them did look kinda… (faints dead away)

In Norway we call him Willy. Takes all sorts.

Not that I support this clown's houding of Sonia, but is she saying that image was shopped now? Strange - I remember that original clusterfuck thread, and when someone asked if she said all that stuff she answered "yeah, but some of those comments are old."

Are we seriously not doing "phrasing!" anymore?

At least Eve 6 was a sweet X-Files reference.

Buckaroo Banzai is definitely high on my list.

Whoops! Guess I, like Donny, was "outside of my comfort zone", heh heh.

Man, you should have seen the rigamarole when a Krispy Kreme opened here in Singapore this year. Lines around the block for hours beforehand, like the launch of a Star Wars sequel or iPhone.

Don't be facetious, Human J. Manperson.

Why can't you simply refrain from mentioning major spoilers for a very recent TV show on an entirely unrelated page? Yeah, there needs to be a statue of limitations, but I think you should safely assume you could wait at least a couple of days before casually ruining it.

God dammit, what the fuck? Spoilers.

"For every scene Masters of Sex does that I like, they have to also include one that I misunderstand completely. It's so frustrating!"

This would have been way more effective if that little girl wasn't such a terrible, TERRIBLE actor. "Whu whu what have I dooooone??" Jeez Eloise.

Are you just trolling? 3 comments in a row from you: the music sucks. The main character sucks. Soderbergh sucks.

That's your problem, not the show's. I think the synth score works perfectly - if you can NEVER be made to feel anything by synth music, then that's only your personal preference. It doesn't mean that this style of music is inherently "bad".

"If you get the opportunity, you should kill yourself."
- The Doctor

To me, it served the purpose to finally make me glad 11 was gone. I loved Smith, but that schmaltzy crap was too much. I doubt that's what they were aiming for, but at least it made me appreciate Capaldi even more.