
Hm, I wasn't aware it was a debated topic. I've seen it reported other places as well, but googling it now I see BBC officially calls it "speculation".

I'm sure it won't be as much of a reboot as 11, but Moffat has said this season will be less mythology-heavy. Also,

Yeah, I'm sure you can easily jump in. I started watching when they introduced the previous Doctor, and I had no problem following the storyline.

Tell me about it. I do enjoy RLM's "Half in the Bag" regular reviews, but those Plinkett videos bury their excellent points in cringeworthy rape jokes and silly voices. Urgh.

Yes, a silly-dressed Doctor with a young female companion is clearly a shameless cash grab. Classic Who would never stand for that!

Well, to call it a "rip-off" is obviously harsh, and it's a great film. Just saying it wouldn't have been made with that cast, budget and style if it weren't for Pulp Fiction.

Get Shorty

Might not work for you personally, but the majority of the audience loves the score. You can hardly call it "a mistake".

Better yet, why not stick fucking Mufasa in there while you're at it?

"Let's use almost all electronic instrumentation in a show based in the beginning of the 1900's!"

Original title maybe, but I think we all know what it ended up being called.

And Julianne Moore is in Hunger Games. (Not that those movies are shitty.) Seems like the new crop of YA adaptation all need a prestige-y actress in a morally dubious role.

That's The Giving Tree. Common mistake.

Good stuff, although in real life it seems to go more like this:

TOS' Rabin review gave it one star out of five. To be fair, his criticism was mainly centred around how un-PC it was. But it does look fucking dire.

Just fucking downvote him then, don't get on your high horse to proclaim it. It's not as if downvotes are counted here, anyway.

Now this is pussy-shavin' music.

No, it was extremely sparsely attended. But I watched this at noon in Singapore on a Friday, so. Not gonna be a lot of people there either way. Weekend box office says it's a smash hit, exceeding expectations.

I wish I was joking. Soon thereafter, he whispers to the other 3: "Bros, you know that hot babe back there? If it wasn't already obvious: (points to himself) diiiiiiibs."

Looks like I'm the only one stupid enough to watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Well, serves me fucking right, because this was just as awful as you'd think. Megan Fox is a horrendously bad actress, and the first half of the film is devoted to her walking around being A Serious Journalist - no turtles in sight. Once