Yeah, “You really need to do more research on this tangentially thing” is something Q∆non & anti-vaxers try using to detail a discussion... it’s bullshit here too
Yeah, “You really need to do more research on this tangentially thing” is something Q∆non & anti-vaxers try using to detail a discussion... it’s bullshit here too
Please - she compared the false accusation against Hurston in 1927 - that was thrown out by a judge - with a solid jury conviction of Cosby based on a ton of evidence. “Oh, you should do a little research on that,” Rashad says, raising her eyebrows at me. “You should go back and look at some charges that were brought…
Sometimes the mob is right. SIXTY women that we know of. If someone I knew did that I would shun them
He raped over a dozen women. So get out of here with cancel culture bs.
“forget these women”
It’s the least I can do.
hell yes, thank you!
I just donated 50 bucks for you.
She has a MASSIVE war chest and it’s still not going to help her come back from 12 down
Espy is within 1 in Alabama. Harrison is statistically tied. Bullock is within 2. Warnock is in a THREE-way tie.
Alabama, South Carolina, Montana, Georgia.
That’s how you flip a chamber: make the bad guys play defense on their home…
you guys i found this link some where to donate to this guy named jaime harrison, who’s running against one of the WORST individuals to ever sit in congress.
i fucking hate lindsay graham. so, 5 bucks is going to jaime harrison from me. with love. i owe too much money to make it any bigger.
*clears throat
I’ll pass this along so it can be recorded in the permanent record.
Paris Hilton’s disappearance into irrelevance makes me happy and gives me hope that the Kardashians will eventually disappear into irrelevance as well. Paris needs to stay gone. She doesn’t need to come back like Michael Myers.
Kim kardashian's fame makes it worse, I'm sure.
I’m sure the fact that she is irrelevant now just galls her. In my mind, the first thing I think of is “famous for being famous.” She’s gross and I hope her ass gets dragged for this shit, it’s long overdue.
This is both tragic and not surprising given her recent health issues. We can only hope to run out the clock.
Merrick Garland
We burn if you leave us out in the sun too long?