There’s an expression about that. It’s called “In Vino Veritas.”
There’s an expression about that. It’s called “In Vino Veritas.”
Well, you know what they say about mediocre white men...
“People need better hobbies. Being angry on the internet all the time can’t be healthy.”
Lecturing other people more passionate than you about why they shouldn’t be emotionally invested in the adaptation isn’t much of a hobby either, mofo.
Good for you, want a cookie? If you didn’t watch the show, why are you even in the comments section?
Oh I see. This is penance for inflicting Kid Rock on the world.
Nope. I don’t know if you remember the Bill Hybels/Willow Creek Debacle, but Ortberg used to preach there. 🤔
John Galliano as in the John Galliano who used to be head designer at Dior but lost his position and rep over a public antisemetic diatribe? That John Galliano?
I am so sorry. I know how hard you had to have worked, so to have to give it up...that sucks.
He was a rapist, which goes a bit beyond complicated.
Well, the armed guards, for one.
“Bran dies involving something with the White Walkers.”
So damn creepy. Not sure how he gets around so fast since he either alienated everyone he had carting him around or outright got them killed.
Everyone is going to die because of petty North tribalism bullshit. And because Bran doesn’t have the wisdom to be able to discern when he should keep his mouth shut. Dude is a manipulative little spider.
Sounds about white. Pennsylvania needs to recall their Jesus Freak.
I mean, it’s only polite to bring SOMETHING, and I’m not foolish enough to bring potato salad.
My green bean casseroles are AMAZING tho.
Next comes the gingerbread house.
Well, he majored in biochemical engineering, so smart enough to get accepted into the program anyway.