
You’re really reducing this to the most cynical interpretation possible. As a guy who considers himself a feminist (are guys allowed to be feminist? If not, then I’m pro-feminism), I appreciate that among all the jerks who deservedly need to be called out, every once in a while Jezebel is willing to point to someone

If Bristol’s so aggrieved let her name her baby “McKinley”. Kind of unisex.

From Bristol Palin’s blog:

It should not be legal to have Josh Duggar, Bristol Palin, and Rachel Dolezal in the same Dirt Bag. THAT IS TOO MUCH DIRT FOR ONE MEASLY BAG.

Biggest takeaway: The Duggars are rich enough to own a private plane.

The only good thing McKinley gave us was Teddy Roosevelt.

Scientists DONT want you to know about things like KANGAROOS and AUSTRALIA.

Wikipedia and Google, whose contents are largely based in reality, are notorious for being what wingnuts refer to as “liberal.”

Can I just say here how much I love Snopes, and that the dumb shit people believe astonishes me?

Fuck it, I’m coming out of my self-imposed Gawker exile because you, sir, pissed me off. WHO gives a SHIT about her fucking moral opinions? WHO is interested in changing this piece of garbage’s mind? All that people are interested in is her upholding the fucking law, as she’s been ordered to do. The law doesn’t give a

I’m having a legitimate “I have no idea who this person is” moment.


I would fuck and marry Legend and kill Tyga and Bieber.

She's not marrying them. She just filing the goddamn paperwork.

Her attorney, Jonathan D Christman, wrote that forcing her to issue licenses is akin to forcing a person who objects to war into the battlefield, or forcing a person against capital punishment to carry out an execution.

Christianity is apparently like Choose Your Own Adventure. She can pick out the stuff she likes (hating gays, long denim skirts) and ignore the stuff she doesn’t (divorce is bad).

After being dead for 18 years, my father in law still has a stalker.

But they haven’t kissed. You can’t have a secret twin without having kissed them before finding out they’re your secret twin. Ipso facto they aren’t twins.

He’s backing what he sees as freedom of speech; it’s pretty clear he does not agree with bigotry.