
Just let the dealerships take the car back. Now they are stuck with an used car with a bunch of miles in them.

Wow, a Hyundai dealer acting like total shitbags, who would have guessed?

It should be noted that on January 6th, the President’s official limo, nicknamed the “Beast” wasn’t being used. Instead, Trump was being transported in an armored Chevy Suburban that didn’t have a partition between the front and rear seats.”

I am seriously stunned that so many people are surprised by all these ‘revelations’. This is 100% consistent with everything we witnessed the preceding 4 years. It was predictable.

They had fucking BETTER see jail. No way they will get away with this. The Jan 6 committe did a great job making it impossible for the DOJ to simply do nothing.

That limo wasn’t even used on January 6. They were in a Suburban.

Hey, don’t be mad, he was just fighting for “white life”. I’d be pretty embarrassed to be a Trumper, or a Republican voter right about now.  Those folks don’t know a damn thing about leadership or professionalism. 

They shoulda’ let him, locked the steering wheel towards a very steep cliff and jump out. This shit is so fucking unbelievable. He and the rest of them better be seeing the inside of jail cells.

Oldsmobile Alero coupe comes to mind.



Since you’re “pebbelwatch4life” ... hope you have life insurance :/

we have been pebble supporters since day 1. There’s no better alternatives right now for iPhones than Apple watches. Everything else is very very limited.

Depends on what you want. Apple is a little limited. Get a Huawei or Fossil Q.

yes he is... he’s my husband :)

“any Pebble currently out in the wild is no longer covered by or eligible for warranty exchange.” This means, no matter when you purchased or received your Pebble device, you are on your own and if your device dies you’re simply out a device. Any warranty you might have been promised from Pebble directly is void.

Very, very disappointing. I had a pebble OG, then a Time Steel and ordered a Time 2 (selling the Time Steel in the process). Now I’ve got nothing. Not only that, but all the other smartwatches out there are pretty comparatively sucky. Loved the OG, the Time Steel...what a sad way to see a great product end. Yeah,

I 100% agree with you. I’m in the same boat. I’ve been holding my breath since the rumors. Massive disappointment. I have a heart condition, and I was looking forward to the Time 2 to monitor my heartbeat real-time. Also, I’m a student who really couldn’t afford it in the first place, so the wait for the refund feels

As a Pebble Time 2 backer, im severely disappointed... I haven’t backed many projects on Kickstarter because I know how hit or miss it tends to be, but I thought Pebble was a safe bet, given its successful past. Now I feel betrayed.