
I’m speaking in regards to Mexico because I don’t know about other countries but there’s actually a MAJOR lack of services for those who return to Mexico in these conditions. Many don’t speak Spanish, or speak it very well and they get stuck into extremely low paying jobs that can be done in English, like call centers

My thing is, she’s practically in a pinup pose, with her knees apart like that. And all the people making the excuse, “She was taking a photo.” I’ve never known an instance when kneeling on a couch in the middle of a room made for a better photo of a large group than standing at the other end of the room.

As a daughter of family in protocol/embassy life...this is INCREDIBLY disrespectful and so out of protocol it’s insane. They aren’t implying sluttiness...more that she is incredibly out of line professionaly.

Yeah, I don’t mean to be sexist or anti-feminist, but I get the strong feeling that Kellyanne thinks she’s cute, and she’s really, really not. “Kittenish” is not a good look because of her age, her position, and the place and audience.

A guy who has been accused of sxual harassment just won an Oscar, and another was nominated for best director. A guy who boasted about sexually harassing women and was caught on tape still got elected to be POTUS.

It’s so weird, though, because I’ve seen several people make the comparison, and while I agree that Michelle would have gotten so much flak, Kellyanne is not a member of the POTUS’s family, she’s fucking staff. That makes this presumptuousness one million times worse.

She’s so obviously playing the “oh teehee I’m the only woman in a room full of men. I’m so adorable! I can play these dudes.” thing. No honey. They think you’re a child, and you’re confirming it to them.

What a trashy bitch. Show some respect. You’re in the oval office, you’re wearing a dress, people are visiting.

Fuck off Jenner.

I love that she thought her support of Trump would somehow sway the LGBTQ community to rally behind him, and how she now thinks her disapproval for Trump’s conduct would cause Trump to change course.

1. Without video evidence, these two boys would get criminal records that could socially and economically cripple them for life. They still might.

If it’s not your culture, you don’t get a say. Your opinion is irrelevant noise.

Also, you should probably proofread, because you left a hell of a Freudian slip in that last bullshit paragraph.

Yeah at least Trudeau can go back to Canada.

This. Is. Hilarious.

I am sure Trudeau wishes he could be hanging out on Richard Branson’s island with Obama instead of guest starring on the Political Apprentice.

Boo hoo hoo, snowflake. Jesus, men are so fragile they can’t handle a little organization, interpersonal diplomacy, and reading. I think they’re far too weak and distractable to hold public office. Who thought it was a good idea to give them the vote, anyway?

I am just going to remind everyone - since it’s sort of dropping off the rage radar - that the Russian government colluded with the Trump campaign to steal the election with the purpose of weakening America to the point that Russia could destroy NATO and re-assert control over Europe. They didn’t do it because they

Well, his kids run the businesses, Bannon runs him and the country, leaving the orange shit-gibbon to stare at the glowy box and bitch about it on Twitter.

I don’t even know how to respond to this without causing the hugest outcry from the Jez commentariat. Every time there is a a post on race, I point out the hypocrisy and the daily microaggressions that POC experience. Derulo’s experience with AA is littered with the Angry Black Man trope, just look at the way the