
ALL the stars for you

Hahahahah when you said, “Not that I really care either way” up there. You super super care. Stand up for your racism, you coward.

Holy shit. So you actually think that you just made a valid historical comparison? Because there was slavery that involved white Europeans and not Americans? What exactly does that have to do with the United States? Those slaves were not made into a permanent underclass, nor was it in any way equivalent to the chattel

Can you imagine the uproar if white people were enslaved for hundreds of years, and after having been freed were still denied basic rights for another century, and then were denied the tools that would allow them to better their overall circumstance like decent education and access to housing and banking, and then

Who’s under the impression he ever got a Master’s?

Didn’t he flunk out of Fordham before his daddy got him into Penn?

People keep thinking he got a prestigious MBA from Wharton. Nope. He was an undergrad student and people who went to school with him barely remember him there. Nor was he on the honors list, let alone first in his class.

Also incredibly badly made. Darts are uneven, seams are wobbly, nothing is cut on grain. It’s substandard, even for fast fashion. I sew, and what she sells doesn’t even pass my “barely wearable, only useful for painting and grubbies, test garment” standard. But then again, I have standards.

It was an undergrad degree from Penn — he didn’t get an MBA from the Wharton school. Also, he transferred to Penn after two years at Fordham.

Bullshit. Bernie dragged the primary on when it was beyond obvious he lost. He was butt hurt and would not let it go. He still thinks he would have beaten Trump. All politicians have egos and she is no different but vaginas are supposed to keep thier emotions in check amirite.

I think this will be her true legacy. Not what she did but what she inspired

Like they said on The Root, this woman doesn’t owe us a god damn thing. She should be sipping drinks on the beach with Obama

It was “wise” to skip it if you weren’t interested in making it about you, being that you were the woman who lost to... that thing we have now.

We lost so much.

It never ceases to amaze me that they think we really care. like, perfect strangers even. I wonder what color the sky is in their world.

I mean, he freaked out when Ivana did well at the business he “let” her run for a little bit and made her quit. He’s absolutely terrified that he won’t be number one in a woman’s eyes, it’s pathetic.

The irony, of course, is that’s exactly what he is. His opinion is whatever the last person he talked to told him it is. His business ideas are all, 100%, copycats of other people’s actual ideas. He’s never had an original thought in his life, and we all know it. Also, puppet.

Which is why we need him to think that we all think that he is Bannon’s bitch.

This article was excellent. Thank you for writing it.