
She doesn’t make shit. Nor design them. Just like her daddy, she slaps her name on it after somebody else does all the work.

I emailed them to thank them, I think it’s important they get positive feedback on this!

Yes, but Reddit is a privately owned operation so they can do whatever the fuck they want, thank god. They are under no obligation to give those shit-munchers a platform.

Steve Bannon looks like untreated Anal Warts with ears.

He may have power, but power to a narcissist is hollow without adoration. Look at how angry he became over the crowd size issue or every other public slight that throws him into a tantrum. Embarrassing him publicly is one of the only things we can do that will without fail make him desperate and vulnerable.

Exactly. How do you shame a man who has none? He has no dignity or honour. He is a pig. He has shown us many times that he is willing to operate completely outside all norms and break any rules he finds inconvenient. People are slowly coming to realise what a danger he poses but too many are still far too blasé about

Drag her, drag Ivanka, drag the fucking ten year old. I don’t give a single, solitary fuck anymore. Do what needs done.

Capitulating and playing nice with these motherfuckers for the last sixteen years has led straight to this shit. It’s time for us to strangle the fucking stupid out of them if we have to.

The gif that immediately comes to mind:

First off, fuck you.

It is sad that this is what we expect of women. To apologize. All the time. Like when Hillary ran and you were expected to say “I know she’s not the perfect candidate” before saying anything in support. And if you have a show, you are supposed to start out by running yourself down and apologizing. Be sure to say

At the time it was sent, nothing was classified. Stop spreading #altfacts.

Are you crazy? People will lose healthcare. Free speech is being curtailed. Science is being attacked. States are trying to pass laws that allow cops to shoot protesters, civilians to run them over, and law enforcement agencies to sue them. Hate crimes against non-white people, Jews, and Muslims have increased. They

I am hopeful that DJT will become the briefest president in American history. And he seems to be keeping the requirements for that status flowing abundantly every hour. As of noon, today, for instance, he has violated the emoluments clause of the Constitution for a full 120 hours without a whiff of pretense that he

I read it more as her trying to acknowledge her privilege and the limits of her own perspective, but I can also see how one can read it more as ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

See, it seems petty... But also it’s a basic fucking litmus test too. “Can you, when pressed by the United States Congress, speak the literal truth? Or are you a deluded lunatic 100% of the time?”

I’ve been kind of reticent to say this cuz it’s like 3rd or 4th hand info but:

I think Melania is a dumb fucking broad from a middle-class family who could have just finished her architecture degree but instead chose to marry a monster, because she is a venal famewhore like everyone else in that clan. I give exactly zero fucks about Barron and agree with you that he and Melania will try to stay


I can’t hate her either. She signed up to be a trophy wife. Not my deal, but whatever. She signed up to go to events, look pretty, wear couture, and smile a lot. She did not sign up to be a political wife, which is a whole other ball game altogether.

But once again, she still is a woman with a choice. I’m not saying it’s an easy choice but if she didn’t want to be FLOTUS she could have divorced him. She has a choice and we are all acting like she is a small child that needs to be rescued. It’s gross.