
When Kendall Jenner is the most reasonable, adult, non-self-aggrandizing person in a discussion, you know there’s something seriously wrong.

I’m very much the same. When I kick sugars, starches, and alcohol and stick to proteins and veggies, I start to feel better. I lose weight. I sleep better. And when I have a treat like a peach or banana, the flavors are out of this world. Folks who have never tried it would be astonished. Go 30 days of strict

I see alot of attention placed on the rapist, but I’ve yet to see the same amount of attention given to rape prevention.

Etiquette is not designed to make people feel superior to others. It is there to make sure everyone feels comfortable. With that in mind, it makes sense. I think people overlook this.

My mother trained me on Emily Post, but that doesn’t apply most places nowadays.

The simplest rule: Follow your host/hostess.

It must be brutally depressing to know about such useless things.

“Taylor does not hold anything against Kim Kardashian as she recognizes the pressure Kim must be under and that she is only repeating what she has been told by Kanye West.”

Yes somebody speaking sense over here. She totally approved it and then acted like she was shocked, a poor little innocent white girl attacked by the big bad black man all over again. I can definitely understand how that upsets Kanye and Kim because I think she's deliberately playing into that trope and it's subtle

“I mean, he’s called me a bitch in his songs. That’s just, like, what they say...I don’t know why she just, you know, flipped all of a sudden...”

To me the problem part wasn’t the word bitch all by itself, but that combined with the ‘I’ll get to have sex with her because she owes her fame to me” part. It’s hard to choose between believing Kim K or believing Taylor Swift though- both are calculating (not that that's automatically a bad thing to be when your

God this woman is so daft.

I love this place. I’ve been here for years and I intend to be here no matter what happens. This whole thing just makes me ill. I feel legitimately nauseous.

“President Trump announced today he would be converting San Diego to it’s English translation. Citizens of the newly dubbed ‘Whale’s Vagina’ were disappointed with this news.”

I’m waiting for her track “Maybe It’s Me.” I’m ready for self-reflective Taylor.

Trump: What’s San Francisco famous for again? Curry? I love Indian food! I love Indians! I deal with the Indians all the time.

what you seem to be missing is that as a man he automatically owns her and therefore her withholding any part of herself is just not acceptable. She needs to relax and stop being so frigid and start caring about what he thinks about her, it’s just professional (as a woman).

Scarlett Johansson is an arguably worse actress than Kiera Knightly, imho.

oh so he was sad he lost the lead with the big boobs, now it all makes sense.

That is literally the definition of being an actor.

So she’s saying the rich black family shouldn’t live in a nice neighborhood?

I’m guessing it’s more about the random spending that starts to add up rather than regular bills. Even if you have very little income, finding a way to cut down on some expenses - if you have them - is a good thing and it can become a habit that you carry over when you start making more. If you have no spare income