Fap God

my ears are gay? shut up fuckboi

Yo son sounds gay

search for Guitar Hero controller on Ebay or Amazon

And everyone who paid $300 for a guitar controller on Ebay/Amazon feels stupid.

mmmmm gay robots


It's a trap!

Want to retry my fist in your face, bitch? Or are you too dumb to realize you're being trolled?

Hey Troy,

Rooney Mara needs to get naked

You're so ill informed. Will Smith made NOTHING doing Fresh Prince. All of the money he made went to the IRS. He didn't make squat acting until Independence Day.

^ This guy here is all butt hurt because I do not like Michelle Williams' movies. Get over it cry baby.

It has nothing to do with that, fan boy. I don't care for her or her movies and find them lack luster and drab. It is in this consumers' opinion that she has never made a "great" movie therefore cannot make "another great" movie. You do not have to agree with my opinion. This isn't Nazi occupied Germany.

my opinion is wrong? It's ok to disagree with my opinion however I fail to see how a subjective view point can be wrong. You apparently did not excel well in English.

And, Meek's Cutoff was horrible

Reading the article isn't going to change how horrible she and the movies she's been in are.

You lost me at Michelle Williams and 'great movie'.

OMG a Pee-wee Herman movie theater joke? How original!

kinky! let's fuck