Fap God

Stop breathing

That's why you have two

This is why women should not be allowed to leave the kitchen.

who and what? Isn't that Matt Saracen from Friday Night Lights? He does other work than dork douche bag who pissed away a football career?

Oh so he made the the music to the White Album? Tell me more about how he was in the Beatles?

Dude.. the guy put an accapella over a beat! He's not Dr Dre, mother fucker!

Video games made me jerk off in a porno theatre once.

He did? LMFAO!

Very compelling argument of nonsense. You have nothing to say but to be a cynical douchebag when you know you've lost the battle here. Dude's a hack to steals other peoples music for fame and you're a fuckboy who's acoustic guitar I'd shove up your ass if you were playing it on the train.


I know exactly what it takes to do what he did and trust me it's not hard. It's also the reason why Jay Z and Paul McCartney sued him after the album came out. He was making a lot of money off of their work. Mash Ups are not original music. I make mash ups all the time on the train with my iPhone and the Traktor DJ

He literally made nothing. He took one already existing vocal track and layered it over an already existing instrumental track. He didn't make any new music here. He didn't produce shit. He layered other peoples completed works together. NOT. IMPRESSED. My 8 year son can do that.

Never said that I didn't but we all know MF Doom did all of the production work and this Danger Mouse guy just laid samples over it. Again, DJ's have been doing this for decades and i'm not impressed.


The Grey Album was a mash up. He mixed an accapella over a beat. DJ's have been doing this for decades.

ha ha hahahahaha

Tales From The Darkside was my FAVORITE!!!

Danger Mouse would like to be left as a loved childrens' cartoon and not some crappy producer.

So just on Twitter? I can be negative on the AV Club all day long and I'm good then?

Actually Rogen said the sniper scene in Inglorious Basterds reminded him of the movie American Sniper. And who cares? Kid Rock can shut up, Michael Moore can shut up, country singer no body's can shut up. I'll shut up… this is all stupid.