Fap God

Sounds like she needs a new agent rather than crying to the tabloids.

Your lack of sarcastic punctuation is disturbing!

What a waste of a degree and education. Do you really need a B.A. in "Comedy" to be a stand-up comedian?

No it's actually not. But whatever makes you feel better though. Might I suggest some Zoloft instead? You may get better results than picking internet fights with strangers for validation and short bouts of euphoria.

You're back with more racist shit? So only white people can like Adam Sandler? Can only black people like Samuel L Jackson?

It wasn't an attack, it was my opinion as this is a public website of opinion to which I offered mine. Don't like it? Don't read it. Move on. It's simple. Guy is worth $300 million or more. I think he's doing just fine. That's my point. You seem like a person with low self worth or mental issues with your personal

Zero dollars. If you can't handle the same criticism that you dish out then you should just quit or write your reviews down on some paper and read them to yourself if you can't handle others opinions.

Yeah, I'm black. What about it?

Stop being a fucking racist then, asshole.

You clearly have no clue what the word bigot means. You asking me what my skin color is when we're talking about movies is racial. Therefore you're a racist. That's my opinion. Opinion does not equal bigotry. If it does then you're opinion of me being a fool makes you also a bigot. And yes, I'm an internet commenter.


Shut up you racist.

fuck you too

WTF are you talking about you racist douchnozzle? Me not answering your racist question on the color of my skin has nothing to do with being a coward. It has to do with MY RACE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF THIS YOU RACIST DOUCHNOZZLE! I wouldn't expect some maple syrup eating hockey loving pedophile to understand

Are you Canadian?

Still unsure what any of this has to do with the color of my skin.

What does the color of my skin matter? Are you racist?

He's worth over $300 Million. I'm sure he doesn't care if you think he's in a downward spiral. He's good. You just sound like a hater critic.

So, TLC; you can't date a child molester but you can be a child molester? Justice for Mama June!
