Fap God

I'll pay double to see that! It will make the extended version of "Dark Star" slightly tolerable.

Awesome! Who will be running the animatronics for Jerry Garcia's decayed corpse or will they just hologram him in?

Come see Pee-wee's Big Erection cumming this Valentines Day. Heh Heh!

I pity the poor fool who don't eat my cereal!

Oh no, did I say Pee Wee's secret word?

calling me a cock-monger holds humor? Tell me more

Aubrey is a cock-monger

is the name your mother called you as a child

That's good because no one wants to hear it anyway.

Aphex Twin is a god!

I'm not privy to your super awesome cool inside group of commenting douchebaggery.

idgaf. movie sucked. IMO. Dont' like it then move on. No need for childish name calling.

I have canceraids and fuck for money because I think taken 2 & 3 were horrible? ok

They should have stopped with the first one.

so played out

It's not a "comeback". I'm providing you with facts of a factual event to which my reference pertains to. If that seems like a "zinger" towards you then that's on you. Have a nice day.

So Home Depot being hacked twice has what to do with chest-thumping? Start to make any logical sense or get back in the kitchen.

who cares? Nuke NK anyway.

They will bomb Netflix if it's shown!

You don't read up on news outside of entertainment much do you?