Fap God

or die from coronary artery disease from all of the McDonalds hamburgers one mows down a week…

ElDan just wants to oppose all and fight on the internet.

tantrum? U Scared Bro?

WTF are you talking about?

SO let's cancel Black Friday and sporting events and all you can eat buffets and NASCAR and actually… everything because at any given moment someone could flip out and kill everyone. FEAR FEAR FEAR!!!!

You're making me cry now

Their password was probably "password".

Groovy. Enjoy the awesomeness of nothing you will gain by having this magic number.

Seriously. There's so much out there that I do not like. I will just hack some emails and shit and make threats and that should just get rid of my annoyances in life? sweet!

there's ZERO you can do with my social security number but tons you can do with my finances. 040-85-7383 there you go. have at it.

Too bad. Same happens when I shop at Target or Home Depot. Live in a bubble or get over it.

I'm up for that!

I think instead I'll illegally torrent some movies in protest.

Well I guess North Korea won and all they had to do was hack some emails. Wow. Pathetic.

our country is a pile of shit and full of cry babies.

USA is a bunch of pussies now. We use to never give into terrorist demands and now we bend over for them along with being scared shitless over the flu, disciplining our children, and red food dye.

pussies. what ever theatre chain decides to have the balls to show this movie will make millions.

If by bought you mean illegally downloaded, then yes.

Lucas is a douche

Purple Sticky Punch