
If the Catherines, and their ilk, want to offer themselves up for harassment, groping, or more, I have to say I support them in their choice. If that’s what you like, have at it. (I’m very sex positive, you see.).

I instinctively went to retweet this 😆

And then I think they are deers in the headlights because they are so fucking afraid what they’ve done will be coming out tomorrow or even later this afternoon. I suspect there are a ton of skeletons in a lot of Hollywood closets.

Yes, I keep thinking of just one of them had said I see you and/or I’m trying to learn how to be a better ally, we’d all have been clamoring for him to run for President.

Only if you have no imagination, knowledge of history, or grasp of reality. Every bit of protest helps to change what needs to be changed, ya numbnut.

We’ll only blame the rape and harassment and complicity on men that was/is theirs. Only that.

No, it’ll be her hair color and genitals. But they’ll dress it up as being a “tool of Wall Street”.

Yes, by all means seek romantic relationships elsewhere. I’m not at all sure why this would mean you can’t also WORK with women, who are there to WORK, and NOT hire by your company to FLIRT with you.

Or maybe it’s circle jerk buddies?

I’m actually wearing a loincloth right now as I’m trying to summon the passion of Christ on the cross to get through the rest of the afternoon.

I think of it as self-adornment, which has been used for millennia, by men and women, to summon the strength of the Gods and transmute their power. Also see: clothing, jewelry.

Sweet! 😊 Thank you

I’m a little teary!

❤️ She was a Rock Star and taught me a lot how to use white lady privilege for the greater good.

Thanks so much for this! I would have missed it otherwise.

He worked for a racist in a racist administration. Fair to assume it’s a dog whistle.

Funny, when the rape room/Spotted Pig/Ken Friedman allegations came to light, I thought of Bono and wondered. He is an investor in the SP and I know for sure he’s hung out in that upstairs room (I never knew it was called the rape room). So, I guess, there we are, that nugget doesn’t fall far from that tree.

I’m an old-timer too and remember those psyche shifting days as well. It was like I’d been waiting all my life to have the walls of the box explode in just the way Jezebel set up the dynamite

I had a dream about an ex where crowds of people kept telling me to get away from him. Modern day people in malls, people dressed in renaissance wear around Olympic style pools, his friends, my friends until finally his father (who died before I dated his son) rode up in a horse and told me he was an asshole and I

I ran too and feel for you. You should be lauded for running. I am lauding you. Well done! It’s not easy to get even a block away, I know. So many of us do.