
Comey’s response to why he reopened the email investigation is woefully inadequate. What he’s telling us is that if he didn’t think Hilary was going to win, then the case wouldn’t have been reopened, which indicates that pursuing justice wasn’t his motivation.

In just a few short years, the autograph girl will be exactly his type. Great parenting, pink shirt. Really just stellar.

Ma’am, you’ve fucked a lot of guys. Isn’t it possible that you accidentally fucked this guy?

But then you don’t get to be the party of family values, do you?

I don’t know, when you “represent” the party of random preening moralists, even this becomes a subject of interest. Especially where many of that parties policies seek to demonize others on a basis of sexual orientation and/or conduct.

No, actually. A lot of bipartisan legal and National Security experts say the women will be what bring him down. Because of the shady payments he made to them with political funds or through donors on the campaign trail or while in the White House. They also are the key to the “what” Russian has on him that was the

I’d rather be labeled a bastard than confirm that Trump was my father too.

Love child sounds charitable for any trump kid

The other thing that immediately comes to mind is that this bullshit also validates his FAKE NEWS campaign. Here we have several clear examples of a single ‘news’ outlet rigging the news that the MAGAs can latch onto (while ignoring the quotes around ‘news’ and all of the other damning details about their hero and

this so true ... he was pushing Marla to get one ... but somehow yet the religious zealot fundamentals so ardently against abortion see Trump as their savior, which is a huge WTF.

He’s paid for a few abortions too, I’ll wager.

In 2018, in a blue state like New York, marijuana shouldn’t even be an issue.

There is a motel near where I live that has semi permanent, carless, underemployed/migrant workers. They have no stoves, no fridges, no ovens. Got any suggestions for them that don’t involve bootstraps?

Thank you! Never mind that 90% of food purchases are vegetables and grains, they claim they see welfare queens and kings squandering it all on junk. They really should just drop the dog whistles.

“I find it hard to believe everyone isn’t within some distance of a Wal-Mart this day and age.”

Oh for fuck’s sake. Please stop.

You’re wrong on the substance of this; but if you’re going to keep tripling down on being wrong, you don’t have to make the worst possible form of your argument to boot. Christ almighty.

So tell us child of poverty, how many stores with not only reasonably priced fruits and vegetables but of decent quality exist in poor neighborhoods?

It’s not a resistance to cooking that pushes people towards unhealthy options, it’s that keeping fresh foods and cooking meals requires time and energy that being poor consumes already

Read it again. He’s restricting their diet to vegetariansm. Whatever the benefits of that diet may be, you don’t force it on people.

But poorer neighborhoods don’t get stores that sell a wide selection of fresh fruits and vegetables.

It’s one thing to teach people how to eat nutritious food. It’s another to forcibly restrict what kind of food they can buy. He’s wrong.