
If you’re interested in doing a deep dive read Women Who Run with Wolves. It’s enlightening on this topic. 🙌. The stories we are told (fairytales) and how we are culturally disemboldened and removed from our instincts and suggestions and paths to reconnect, get wild, and shed the shit.

I see what you are saying - the “inappropriate behavior” referring to the defense of Al Franken.

I think you’re missing that the backlash is part of the watershed. The boil needs to full rise to the top before you can lance it.

I’m not sure why you offer Rashida Jones as an authority. She can believe whatever she wants, and happy she spoke out for herself and is adding to the conversation that needs to happen. But she does not speak for me. And no, one false accusation will not stop women from speaking out or being believed.

There will be room for nuance. I’m tired of the pearl clutching over the fact that it’s not there now - if you haven’t noticed women are new at having their voices heard. And no one topples a regime without brashness. Collateral damage for zero tolerance is fine for now.

This is poppycock used to justify leaving the needle where it is. The upheaval that will come with zero tolerance for all shades of predatory behavior will be big and good.

What we are saying is that his behavior is bad enough to disqualify him from representing his constituency and collecting a salary from the public.

We can stop painting them with the same brush when they stop stretching the canvas with the same cut of cloth. We either tolerate the systemic objectification (and all the levels of demeaning and assaulting that breeds from it) of women or we don’t.

This is the problem with the “I was raised in another time” defense. Lol - these have been the rules since pre biblical times!

This center will not hold. It’s an impossible standard.

If you really can’t see this is harassment you need professional-grade help that will go remedial on your ass.

Right, if we all have free speech don’t we all, by corollary, have the right to free listening?

And sad.

I’ve always found the love W. had/has for Laura his only redeeming trait.

No butt was handed. 🙄

I’m so glad this was on E! News and not, as I suspected, a New York Times item.

100% agree - not perfect (i.e. I believe his real estate policies exacerbated the housing problem that was developing and we are having now. His was a transactional approach that didn’t take into account the needs of the citizenry that actually make NY NY). But we voted for him and he did the job we voted him in to

I live in NYC with Mayor Bloomberg. I know not the same but he was ACTUALLY a smart, successful business man who figured it the fuck out.

I voted yes because he seems like the perfect hate bang 👍

This is every Fox viewer I know! On all day and night in the background. Never realized that before. Watching Foxstyle.