I haven’t seen a single fucking reason she should have even been nominated
This is exactly why the right is constantly talking about paid trolls and paid protesters. Because they do it!
And the right wing constantly accuse the left of using payed protesters. Project much?
McNelly, the DeVos aide, went on, “In fact, she has received more letters of support to the Senate HELP committee than all U.S. Secretaries of Education combined.”
In Trump’s America, this shit is only going to get worse; more frequent and more brazen.
First, I’ve cut a couple people out of my life.
We ran a candidate whom everyone hates and when she lost, our response has largely been to get angry that people failed to get on board with her.
I’ve been arguing all week with my friends who voted for President-Elect Cheeto, and all I have to say is this: If you tell me you “will not tolerate racism, hate, harassment or violence,” but you voted for Trump, then you really aren’t being true to your word.
Jez should create a living document of all these stories. There are already hundreds and it’s been four days.
“Quit overreacting, it’s just politics,” crow the Trump sympathizers (because truly, anyone who says that, even if…
IMO the Democrats got crushed for several reasons:
I love Hillary, I voted for her without reservations, I cried when she lost.
I suspect you’re correct. Sonofabitch should lose his job and pension.
Here’s what’s frustrating about this: We already knew he was a racist. He’s already dehumanized black americans, latino americans, muslim americans. He’s a racist.
Emmy Award-winning producer Chris Nee alleged Sunday on Twitter that Apprentice producers are sitting on footage…
It’s easy to assume the worst when you hear that NASCAR is getting sued for racial discrimination, given the…
A student named only as John Doe was accused of sexually assaulting a fellow student in a storage closet in November…
This month, Mary J. Blige will debut a show called The 411, which seems like it will include at least one episode of…
I wish men would stop saying this. We don’t have value because of our relationships with men - we are people with worth no matter whether we’re related to you or not. Instead of thinking, “what if this happened to my wife/sister/mother/daughter” try thinking “what if this happened to me.” Because that is what we think…