
Speaking as a survivor I want to say how empowering it can be to speak out. But it is also risky (this invites assholes to question or harass you) and it doesn’t come without sacrificing a part of your public identity; some people will always see you and think of you as a victim and not a complex individual with

Apparently the $100K+ defense Labrie got that tore this child apart on the stand and got her rapist off with barely a slap on the wrist? In large part funded by alumni and donors to the school.

The minimum wage in NYC is 9$, that should be increased.

Or even better, encourage other employers to scout her, or offer her a slot in a training program to better her station in life ...

We Canadians can’t get on our high horse about shit textbooks. The new Québec history program basically treats minorities as if they never existed, but apparently teachers are free to add in the stuff overpaid bureaucrats left out, so yay? *Snark not directed at you, bitter that my province is not doing well in this

It's not just them. There are far too many kids-usually black kids- who are living in terrible circumstances and see their only way out as physically becoming a commodity for people to trade in through athletics.

Yes, ma’am it is. Made news earlier this year. Publisher offered an optional sticker to place into the book to remind the workers were forcefully migrated. It's Texas!

Bravo to these beautiful, talented girls. It is heartbreaking that any child has to be growing up in a shelter, extra infuriating when a working parent is not being paid a living wage. Hopefully the publicity will shame her employer into giving her some paid time off.

I don’t care that they are similar-looking; this is and has been the exact ‘look’ that our country has been shoving down our throats as most beautiful for decades. I live five minutes from the winner’s hometown and I would be more surprised if she somehow made it out of there without being racist. The klan passes out

WTF. I felt uncomfortable reading that. Also... only 3 years ago.

It isn’t being used as a term of endearment, It’s being used mockingly. Replace nigger with dumbass and you’ll see. In the case of the first message, replace it with “dumbass friend”. Even the hard “er” is intentional to purposely differentiate and ensure there is none of the endearment variation “nigga”.

It’s unthinkable. I can’t imagine what on earth she could have done, even. Maybe she’s a light bleeder and wads of TP were enough? But even then, it’s so uncomfortable and so terribly, terribly dehumanizing.

The other thing I notice is that Wolf repeatedly apologizes to the woman and notes how humiliating this must be for her. The judge is not a hero—but this should be obvious to anyone who recognizes that black women possess the same humanity as everyone else.

If this doesn’t count as cruel and unusual punishment, what does? Everyone involved in this travesty should be fired. Period.

What is the ostensible reason not to allow an inmate to shower? It's amazing to me the depth of torture we allow prison guards to inflict upon inmates for no reason at all.