
That sucks.  Do the squirrels have other food sources to distract them?  They love things like dried corn on the cob or sunflower seeds.  Perhaps having an available stash of bribery available away from the garden may keep them occupied.

I owed someone several thousand dollars for the better part of a quarter century. I’m finally paying them back.

I accidentally killed a pretty bird almost shot my eye out when I was nine with a Red Ryder BB Gun. It landed on a fence in the distance and I was showing a friend how easy the trigger was to pull. I wasn’t even aiming. It was probably my seventh or eighth BB shot from that May birthday gift. It was the very first

This is why we can’t have nice things.

Are they stealing ripe tomatoes?  If so, pull them the very minute they start to turn color and keep them inside in a paper bag (check the bag EVERY DAY) until they ripen.

Honestly, I wasn’t sure that it wasn’t some fucking lackey in the WH who did it, so I guess I feel a *little* better knowing he actually did it.

Wait, he was still IN the race?

So, I read the article, and some of the justification from these state parties (which appear to have been completely taken over by Trump acolytes) is that this isn’t unprecedented.  They even reference 2012, 2008 and 1996 when a number of different states cancelled their primaries.  But, I’m pretty sure there weren’t

Or, as in my case, the princess.  Those “good” times got fewer and farther between, and I kept hanging on for the next “good” time in between ever-lengthening “bad” times, until she finally quit with the pretense of actually giving a shit about me and our marriage.  Things went to hell quickly afterward.

Bingo. I remember my then-wife actually cutting the honeymoon short by a day or two and the very next day after we got home, she looked me dead in the eye and said “the honeymoon is over.”

My wife has a Garmin.  She is also incredibly tech-phobic.  Make sense of that, if you will.

Serious question:  if the car battery craps out, will the card key still work?

graham crackers

Honestly, I stopped using the app when they did their whole revamp of the star system which required you to spend more in order to get a free drink.  “Oh, but now you can use fewer stars to get free drink modifications!”  Yeah, no, that’s bullshit. 

also the only states Sanders did really good in in 2016.

And hotter.  You forgot to mention how much hotter the replacement will be.

Actually, the race to the bottom argument is true. Once upon a time I used to be able to charge $50/hour to do the work I did, which was in a highly specialized field. Then came along lots of platforms which encouraged people in my field to basically set themselves up in a contractor marketplace (we were all

Um...you know that there are lots of cab companies that have developed apps for hailing, right? 

I was about to say that they didn’t so much “infiltrate” conservative media as “invent” conservative media, but looks like you got here first.