
The only franchise that has done less with the massive amount of talent that’s come through their locker room in the last 25 years is Green Bay.

I would simply ignore the table until the phone got put down.  Then I would approach the table and say, “Ah, I see you’re ready now.”

Good to see that the Packers’ defense sucks just as much as it always has.

Thanks for the reminder.  Just updated mine with a current picture (the first one was when she was a puppy) and more accurate breed designations.

When I bought a new laptop last year I tried GDocs and then OpenOffice, but they were both such a fucking pain in the ass to use--particularly for the mail merges that I do on a regular basis--that I had to bite the bullet and buy Office again.

Along with laughing Jimmy Haslam.

Yeah, a couple of days after the Packers appeared, I thought, “wait, did I miss the Browns?”  That’s when you KNOW your team actually sucks:  when they appear on WYTS before the fucking Cleveland Browns.

Fun fact:  William Barr’s father hired Epstein as a teacher for the exclusive NYC private school for which he was headmaster, way back in 1975-76.  Barr has known this guy for most of his life.

I’ve already told them.  They refused to listen.  So, I’m going to tell my grandchildren when they get into middle school.

Although, as we learned with Steve Scalise, this doesn’t always hold true.  The thesis of Hamilton’s argument, however, does always hold true.

Good ol’ Scalia, the Great Originalist--as long as “original” actually means “contorting the Constitution to fit my psychotic political views”, then yeah I guess.

The reality is that if Mitch actually did call the Senate back into session to address the gun control bills, Cornyn would be first in line to demand the bill be defeated.  He would even do an old-school filibuster to make damned sure it died.  He knows exactly how much power he has--and for whom he wields it.

After all the years I worked in the restaurant business, I honestly stopped asking myself that question a long time ago because it was simply too depressing/aggravating to contemplate anymore.

I’d probably still stick with my current employer, but only because they still have an honest-to-God pension.  Fix Social Security though, and...

Actually, no, they can’t. What they can learn through volunteering is the value of being of service to other people without any thought of return.

Indeed. This 40-year old op-ed shit is stupid and only serves the argument that it was so long ago, that it doesn’t matter (because that’s actually true). What does matter is what he’s actually done within the past 15-20 years—and that’s a lot of shit that has had major consequences for most people in this country.

Fun fact:  that’s not graphics.  He was a stunt man and was actually on fire.

They should have used rubber trees.

Yes, but the report specifically stated that these cars all run off the same systems, which means that if the GM server gets hacked, then they can immediately make things very dangerous for all the GM cars that are connected.

Indeed.  That shit is basically salt with some tomatoes thrown in for color.