I didn’t know Randy Savage was a Pats fan.
I didn’t know Randy Savage was a Pats fan.
The cops did a good job during that right wing shithead rally a couple of years ago in Boston.
This movie has the correct responses to just about any question or statement ever made.
Now if we can just unload a few dozen torpedoes into John McCain and make sure he ISN’T the candidate.
Ah, yes, the good ol’ forced choice. This is also an excellent method.
A lot of people were pissed off that she got relegated like this, but I always thought it would be good for her. It shows just how completely outclassed everyone else on that stage is. I seriously doubt the next network debate will do the same thing--assuming there are still so many candidates that they will need to…
Eat your food, or the bear gets it.
I just want to remind everyone that I first discussed the possibility of “meat carrots” several weeks ago and I’m going to be suing Arby’s for my 50%.
Remember, in America you get exactly as much justice as you can afford.
There are so many balance transfer offers out there, that there is absolutely no reason to jump at the first one that arrives at your mailbox. Also: Nerdwallet and/or Bankrate show all of the balance transfer offers that are available at any given time.
Neutral: Yes, I’ve known for years that Honda makes a ton of cars in the US and is one of the (but not even the biggest) reasons why I am a Honda buyer.
This is far better than milkshakes. In fact, every single time these criminal assholes are out in public, everyone within literal spitting distance needs to hawk one up for them.
Um...isn’t next weekend the Fourth of July weekend?
I used to work for one chain restaurant that had criminal motherfuckers managing most of their locations. A few of them eventually got fired for all of the various and sundry ways they were finding to steal money from the servers--including mileage reimbursements for those of us tapped to travel to a new location to…
Considering how completely packed the federal courts are with Federalist Society nutbags, I continue to be surprised at the sheer number of times that Trump gets slapped down in court. It gives a pretty good indication of just how far beyond the pale he is.
It’s so crazy, it just might work!
Ours was 5k, but that’s because we didn’t have booze--and nobody cared.
Someone needs to take an Internet Break.
Bingo. I used to make wedding cakes for a living and was constantly having to talk the mother (it was always the mother) of the bride/groom down off the ledge to remind them that nobody will care about or remember whether the cake had gold flakes or fondant. They will remember a beautiful ceremony and a fun time.