
Look, Sanders isn’t my first choice, but he and Warren are the only two in the race at the moment who aren’t hopelessly compromised by corporate money.

I honestly don’t see Ivanka wanting to deal with the Presidency. As little of anything resembling actual work that her father is doing right now, even that is too much for her.

I can only hope this will happen...but I don’t have that much hope.

All you’re doing is trying to distract from the fact that you know nothing about this and have no data to back up your bullshit.  Send me your data demonstrating that your garbage is correct. Until then, go bother someone else who doesn’t know exactly how ignorant you are.

Now that I think about it, I better not get drunk in Mississippi. That’d be enough to get me shot.

“That’s really pro-woman of you.”

Firstly, let’s be clear: you don’t know One. Single. Thing. About. The. Healthcare. Industry.

Given the choice between a measure that deals with most of the concerns of the EC, and an option that will never, ever, ever, ever come to pass, I’ll take this one.

Anybody know the manual sales rate internationally?

Believe it or not, I knew someone who had a minivan with a factory built manual.  I thought it was weird, but they loved it.  Mostly because it gave them more control in the notoriously shitty weather.

That’s assuming the Senate votes to convict, which they never will as long at there is a Republican majority.

To properly honor the perfection that is a burrito, one must serve it on a plate, completely smothered in either New Mexico Red or Green Chile (or both!).

Actually, yes, we can.

The music is pretty good.  Maybe we can find a way to monetize their exports of Delta Blues.

They need to immediately switch to selling every single vehicle made with a manual transmission.  Problem solved.

I say this as someone who is a person of faith:

When the Stop & Shop strike was on, I was forced to shop at Market Basket, which sucked balls.  So the next week, when the strike was still on, I actually went to the Medford Aldi--and that was, somehow, worse.

Keep in mind that people wouldn’t stop talking about Hillary Clinton even when she was playing her stupid “I’m not making any decisions yet” game during the 2008 and 2016 election cycles.  Make no mistake:  the DNC is still trying to anoint their chosen candidate.  This time, they’re simply trying to be less overtly