
It’s like losing money owning a liquor store.

The people who are supporting him are doing so precisely because he has zero interest in meaningful healthcare reform--or meaningful reform of any kind for that matter.

You wouldn’t believe the shit that gets passed along in corporate board meetings.

I would submit that in-state food isn’t as meaningful a marker of “local” as a mileage radius is.  For example, If you live in San Diego, and get your produce from just south of Oregon, it’s not nearly as local as produce that was grown in Tijuana.  When you live in New England, it becomes even more meaningless.

That’s fine. It doesn’t taste like soap to me.  It just tastes like the garbage that it is.

No way I want him as the nominee...but at least he actually is pretending to change his behavior. You can’t really say that about a lot of his contemporaries.

The good news is that he would stop being President at noon on 1/20, no matter what.  The Constitution is quite clear on that matter.  So, the real question will be how the Secret Service handles it, because they’ll probably be the ones tasked with dragging his fat ass out of there.

As long as Heaven doesn’t have cilantro, I call it a win.

You know what?  It’s fine.  I’d much rather we have 100 candidates, 90 of which will be gone before the first primary ballot is cast, than 1 anointed candidate, 3 candidates that nobody gives a shit about, and 1 candidate that got a shitload of support mostly because he wasn’t the anointed candidate.

The brewery district used to stink to high heaven back in the 70's, before all of the consolidation and shutdowns.

You’re not done.  You’ll still need a POA and an advance directive in the event you wind up incapacitated and need someone to make healthcare decisions for you.  As people live ever longer, this becomes more and more necessary.

Save yourself the trouble, Grossed Out, and just look for another job.  I promise you that Salty is being waaaayyyy too forgiving of the manager’s motives/attitude.

I can’t remember for sure, but I think it was Andrew Carnegie who--after being asked how much money would be enough for him--said, “one more dollar than I already have.”  It’s never enough for these assholes.

They did this in TN too, when they passed the guns in bars and the guns in public parks bills.  No guns allowed on capitol grounds.  They VERY much do not like being asked about this.

Most districts will probably opt out. Most teachers and administrators will probably opt not to do it.

Rio Grande river

The problem is that it’s too subtle.  The knuckle-draggers can easily use this as an inspirational image to honor him.

Oh, please do shut the fuck up already.  Do you know the percentage of Sanders primary voters who voted for someone else (Trump/Stein/Johnson/etc)?  Twelve percent.  Do you know the percentage of Clinton primary voters who voted for John McCain in 2008?  TWENTY FOUR PERCENT.  That’s TWICE the number because they

Simple:  he’s a 100% corporate Democrat who absolutely, positively, will NOT change anything in regards to healthcare, military vs domestic spending, voting rights, etc, etc.

ERs are used for non-emergencies because there are literally millions of people in this country who lack basic access to primary care.  Facts matter.